By @TheMysticS from d4rken-org/sdmaid#5609
The idea I spoke about earlier is about an app that will list all app permissions in one place. Currently, Android shows app permissions in 3 different places:
App Info page
Special Access
Permissions Manager
In order to control or just see what permissions an app has access to, the user has to go to 3 different places now.This new app I'm suggesting will basically list every single permission an app has requested in one place, giving the user a bird's eye view of app permissions.
It will have two tabs at the bottom (or top):
Apps: This will list all the apps installed. Clicking on any app will list every single permission that the app has requested, including those that show up under Permissions Manager and Special Access, along with their status (ON/ OFF, Allowed/ Disallowed, etc.)
Permissions: This will list every single permission such as Contacts, Microphone, Camera, etc., including those that show up under Permissions Manager and Special Access. Clicking on each will show all the apps that currently has access to that permission.
This will also include internet permissions, SharedUserID status!
In both the above cases, it will be nice to segregate the output in two sections: One where apps have been allowed a permission or permissions that an app currently has access to, and another section where the same is denied.
Due to limitations of Android, this app will not allow for controlling permissions from within the app, atleast not without root. Instead, it will provide a bird's eye view of the entire permission set available to each app, and also provide a shortcut to the appropriate System Settings page, if the user wants to change any.
Currently, there is not a single app that can do this. So you may consider making one.