- Pro
A Python-based Jupyter notebook that calculates and visualizes the cost-effectiveness of various travel card options, helping you make an informed decision based on your personal travel habits and …
Digitized 1887 "Schul-Atlas von H. Wettstein", a Swiss school atlas from Zurich. Offers insights into 19th-century geography, cartography, and education. Contains historical maps, landscapes, and a…
MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2024 -
travel-time-loss-calculator Public
A simple web-based calculator to estimate the time loss incurred when driving at various speeds, compared to driving at a maximum speed. This tool helps you understand how much time you lose when y…
HTML MIT License UpdatedJul 30, 2024 -
AltiTimeMatcher Public
A small, user-friendly program designed to identify the lift-off point in an unreferenced altimeter time series of the AIR-ETH GPR platform. It then adds the timestamp of lift-off utilizing the GNS…
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2024 -
Swiss-Interest-Calculator Public
This repository contains a Python script for comparing bank account returns over a year, considering different initial amounts and Effective Annual Rates (EAR). It visualizes results with matplotl…
Bildverarbeitung Public
Forked from prs-eth/BildverarbeitungBildverarbeitung FS2023 at ETH Zurich
Navigation_23FS_ETHZ Public
103-0158-01L Navigation: Introduction to the concepts and basics of navigation related systems on land, air, sea and space.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2023 -
GIS-GZ-ChargeNet.swiss Public
This project was at ETH in HS 21. We did a robustness analysis of the Swiss e-Car charging network.
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2021 -
Satellite-geodesy-Exercise-3 Public
Satellitengeodäsie Übung 3 @ ETH Zürich with Prof. Rothacher. Gravitational Potentials.
Satellite-geodesy-Exercise-2 Public
Satellitengeodäsie Übung 2 @ ETH Zürich with Prof. Rothacher. VLBI and SLR calculations.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 16, 2021 -
Satellite-geodesy-Exercise-1 Public
Satellitengeodäsie Übung 1 @ ETH Zürich with Prof. Rothacher. Transformations between terrestrial and space fixed reference frames
HuffmanEncoding Public
Builds a Huffman encoding tree based on string and encodes given string. Not as bitsequence tho (still a string)!
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2021 -
ParallelPiTest Public
Inspired by "Can My Water Cooled Raspberry Pi Cluster Beat My MacBook?" (https://youtu.be/hGyJTcdfR1E)
RaspberryPaperWalletCreator Public
Easy to use paper wallet creator (BTC and ETH) with an air gapped Raspberry Pi. Just plug it in your printer, press the button selecting wich blockchain to use and it prints a paper wallet
UpdatedNov 9, 2017