As a world famous explorer of Mazes I would like a maze to exist So that I can explore it
Acceptance Criteria
- A Maze (as defined in Maze1.txt consists of walls 'X', Empty spaces ' ', one and only one Start point 'S' and one and only one exit 'F'
- After a maze has been created the number of walls and empty spaces should be available to me
- After a maze has been created I should be able to put in a co ordinate and know what exists at that point
As a world famous explorer of Mazes I would like to exist in a maze and be able to navigate it So that I can explore it
Acceptance Criteria
- Given a maze the explorer should be able to drop in to the Start point
- An explorer on a maze must be able to: Move forward Turn left and right Understand what is in front of them Understand all movement options from their given location Have a record of where they have been
- Once an explorer has exited a maze they must be able to state the route they took in an understandable fashion