A tool that detect overpowered owner in smart contracts.
Naga requires Python 3.8.10, solc-select and Slither.
Version: 3.8.10
We use solc-select to manage and switch solc compilers.
pip3 install solc-select
Install solc all versions
solc-select install all
If you cannot use the command solc-select
, see Set PATH.
Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python3. Naga does contract analysis based on Slither.
pip3 install slither-analyzer
Naga loads a slither object to detect overpowered owner in contracts.
sol_file = "your_contract.sol"
contract_name = None # You can specify the entry contract name, if None, Naga will automatically try to find the entry contract.
erc_force = None # erc20, erc721, erc777, None.
slither = Slither(sol_file)
naga = Naga(slither)
naga.detect_entry_contract(er_force=erc_force) # Detect the entry contract
entry_c = naga.entry_contract # Get the entry contract object
entry_c.output(output_file="output.json") # Output the result to output.json
summary = entry_c.output() # Or just get the summary
# You may want know the details of the result. you can print the state variables pool.
for sk,sv in naga.entry_contract.svarn_pool.items():
defines the detectors.
You can register your own detectors by adding them to naga/detectors/
slither = Slither(sol_file)
naga = Naga(slither)
entry_c = naga.entry_contract
naga.detect(entry_c,erc_force=None,detectors=[]) # Specify the detectors you want to use
Here is a dataset with more than 100,000 contracts.
Please make sure
is in $PATH
You can check and update $PATH using the following commands
echo $PATH
sudo vim /etc/profile
export PATH="/home/your_username/.local/bin:$PATH"
source /etc/profile