Fork of synfigexport.py
Plug-in for GIMP (happy 20th birthday!!!) raster editor, to allow the direct exporting of multi-layered images to corresponding layers of the 2D animation package Synfig.
- synfigfu.py must be present in PYTHONPATH (at least in same folder than this synfigexport.py)
Open the Export (or "Export As") dialog box, select "Synfig Studio" has file type (.sifz), choose a destination folder and a name, and exports gimp document to synfig's canvas and png images.
See also Gimp2Synfig from Synfig documentation.
#Author IL'dar AKHmetgaleev aka AkhIL - blog akhil
- dooglus
- d.j.a.y
#Licence This program is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Distribution and updating of the code is appreciated.
- 2008-01-31 first public release
- 2008-04-26 gimp-2.2 compatibility fix by dooglus
- 2008-08-18 now works without alpha channel
- 2015-11-25 this fork
- 2015-12-03 fix empty name error + add choose file dialog
- 2016-02-19 registration into export dialog + localization mechanism
- 2016-02-22 synfig stuff to synfigfu module + fix issue #5 filename forbiden chars
- 2016-02-25 switch group option