Lists (15)
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Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
GraalJS – A high-performance, ECMAScript compliant, and embeddable JavaScript runtime for Java
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK…
NextTrace, an open source visual route tracking CLI tool
The leading data integration platform for ETL / ELT data pipelines from APIs, databases & files to data warehouses, data lakes & data lakehouses. Both self-hosted and Cloud-hosted.
Flink CDC is a streaming data integration tool
easyexcel作者最新升级版本, 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋
NocoBase is an extensibility-first, open-source no-code/low-code platform for building business applications and enterprise solutions.
A GUI inspector for mobile apps and more, powered by a (separately installed) Appium server
A delightful community-driven framework for managing your bash configuration, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
Database diagrams editor that allows you to visualize and design your DB with a single query.
An open-source tool for controlling IPMI-enabled systems
🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
可视化生成CRUD代码、内置WEB终端、workerman常驻内存运行支持,技术栈为Vue3.x(setup)+ThinkPHP8+TypeScript+Vite+Pinia+Element Plus,自适应多端,同时提供Web和Server端、自动注册路由、无限级菜单权限节点、全局数据回收站、字段级修改保护等等,是集颜值、实用、敏捷于一身的管理系统。
Scalar is an open-source API platform: 🌐 Modern Rest API Client 📖 Beautiful API References …
Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
An elegant virtual machine manager for the desktop
MediaCMS is a modern, fully featured open source video and media CMS, written in Python/Django and React, featuring a REST API.