This is the official druid-operator project, now maintained by druid-operator is depreacted. Ref to issue and PR. Feel free to open issues and PRs! Collaborators are welcome !
- druid-operator provisions and manages Apache Druid cluster on kubernetes.
- druid-operator is designed to provision and manage Apache Druid in distributed mode only.
- It is built using the kubebuilder.
- Language used is GoLang.
- druid-operator is available on
- Refer to Documentation for getting started.
- Join Kubernetes slack and join druid-operator
- The operator supports CR of type
. Druid
CR belongs to api
and versionv1alpha1
- Users may experience HPA issues with druid-operator with release 0.0.5, as described in the issue.
- The latest release 0.0.6 has fixes for the above issue.
- The operator has moved from HPA apiVersion autoscaling/v2beta1 to autoscaling/v2beta2 API users will need to update there HPA Specs according v2beta2 api in order to work with the latest druid-operator release.
- Users may experience pvc deletion issue in release 0.0.6, this issue has been fixed in patch release
- druid-operator has moved Ingress apiVersion networking/v1beta1 to networking/v1. Users will need to update there Ingress Spec in the druid CR according networking/v1 syntax. In case users are using schema validated CRD, the CRD will also be needed to be updated.
- druid-operator has moved PodDisruptionBudget apiVersion policy/v1beta1 to policy/v1. Users will need to update there Kubernetes versions to 1.21+ to use druid-operator tag 0.0.9+.
- The latest release for druid-operator is v1.0.0, this release is compatible with k8s version 1.25. HPA API is kept to version v2beta2.
druid-operator | 0.0.9 | v1.0.0 |
kubernetes <= 1.20 | ❌ | ❌ |
kubernetes == 1.21 | ✅ | ❌ |
kubernetes >= 1.22 and < 1.25 | ✅ | ✅ |
kubernetes > 1.25 | ❌ | ✅ |
Apache®, Apache Druid, Druid® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. This project, druid-operator, is not an Apache Software Foundation project.