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  1. Prometheus-Decryptor Prometheus-Decryptor Public

    Prometheus-Decryptor is a project to decrypt files encrypted by Prometheus ransomware.

    Go 51 16

  2. cve-2019-7192-check cve-2019-7192-check Public

    Checker for QNAP pre-auth root RCE (CVE-2019-7192 ~ CVE-2019-7195)

    Python 13 6

  3. CmdCaliper CmdCaliper Public

    [EMNLP 2024] CmdCaliper: A Semantic-Aware Command-Line Embedding Model and Dataset for Security Research

    Python 7 2

  4. IRonMAN-Recorder IRonMAN-Recorder Public

  5. BullyRAG BullyRAG Public

    Release on Code Blue Japan



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