A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Assembly
- AutoHotkey
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- D
- Emacs Lisp
- Erlang
- Go
- Hack
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jupyter Notebook
- Lean
- Lua
- Makefile
- Mako
- Markdown
- Nunjucks
- Objective-C
- Others
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Scheme
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- Thrift
- TypeScript
- Vim Script
- Vue
- postgres-cn/pgdoc-cn - PostgreSQL manual Chinese translation by China PostgreSQL Users Group
- jmechner/Prince-of-Persia-Apple-II - A running-jumping-swordfighting game I made on the Apple II from 1985-89
- catweazle9/emacs-everywhere - AutoHotkey script to provide basic Emacs key bindings for Windows
- zk-phi/ewow - Use Emacs command (almost) everywhere
- lydell/dual - [ABANDONED] Dual is an AutoHotkey script that lets you define dual-role modifier keys easily.
- usi3/emacs.ahk - An autohotkey script that allows you to use emacs-like key bindings on Windows environment
- tsherif/space-shooter.c - A cross-platform, top-down 2D space shooter written in C using only platform libraries.
- jesrui/althttpd - the small, simple HTTP server from sqlite
- DoctorWkt/acwj - A Compiler Writing Journey
- akopytov/sysbench - Scriptable database and system performance benchmark
- klando/pgfincore - Mirror of http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=pgfincore.git;a=summary
- stanford-futuredata/sparser - Sparser: Raw Filtering for Faster Analytics over Raw Data
- hnes/libaco - A blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library 💎 ⛅🚀⛅🌞
- acl-dev/acl - C/C++ server and network library, including coroutine,redis client,http/https/websocket,mqtt, mysql/postgresql/sqlite client with C/C++ for Linux, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, etc..
- yourtion/LearningMasteringAlgorithms-C - Mastering Algorithms with C 《算法精解:C语言描述》源码及Xcode工程、Linux工程
- jtesta/ssh-mitm - SSH man-in-the-middle tool
- rofl0r/proxychains-ng - proxychains ng (new generation) - a preloader which hooks calls to sockets in dynamically linked programs and redirects it through one or more socks/http proxies. continuation of the unmaintained prox
- minoca/os - Minoca operating system
- 386bsd/386bsd - 386BSD
- gozfree/gear-lib - Gear-Lib, C library for IOT Embedded Multimedia and Network
- luohaha/Dior - A kind of Lisp
- rswier/c4 - C in four functions
- jvns/kernel-module-fun - Some fun things you can do with kernel modules (all "bad ideas")
- vurtun/nuklear - A single-header ANSI C gui library
- sustrik/libmill - Go-style concurrency in C
- wbrecom/lushan -
- machyve/xhyve - xhyve, a lightweight OS X virtualization solution
- SOHUDBA/SOHU-DBProxy - 搜狐公司强大的数据库中间件
- julycoding/The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July-2nd - 本项目曾冲到全球第一,干货集锦见本页面最底部,另完整精致的纸质版《编程之法:面试和算法心得》已在京东/当当上销售
- alibaba/TDH_Socket - TDH_Socket_Plugin_for_MySQL is a MySQL plugin which like HandlerSocket.
- mjolnirapp/mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
- kev009/Concurrency-Kit - Concurrency primitives and lock-less data structures
- drh/lcc - The lcc retargetable ANSI C compiler
- RT-Thread/rt-thread - RT-Thread is an open source IoT real-time operating system (RTOS).
- opsengine/cpulimit - CPU usage limiter for Linux
- ghosert/VimProject - All about my vim projects
- kgabis/parson - Lightweight JSON library written in C.
- lioramr/ribs2 - RIBS (Robust Infrastructure for Backend Systems) version 2
- lyjdamzwf/chaos - c++ 网络事件库
- cloudwu/aoi - Area of Interest Library
- hoytech/vmtouch - Portable file system cache diagnostics and control
- dalingrin/hp-kernel-tenderloin - HP Touchpad kernel
- cloudwu/pbc - A protocol buffers library for C
- openresty/mockeagain - Mocking ideally slow network that only allows reading and/or writing one byte at a time
- BohuTANG/nessDB - A very fast transactional key-value, embedded database storage engine in Fractal-Tree. Teaching/Research purposes only.
- ultrajson/ultrajson - Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings
- kernelhcy/gtkqq - a qq client based on gtk+ uses webqq protocol
- jakogut/tinyvm - TinyVM is a small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C.
- illumos/illumos-gate - An open-source Unix operating system
- RJ/ketama - C library for consistent hashing, and langauge bindings
- winsw/winsw - A wrapper executable that can run any executable as a Windows service, in a permissive license.
- OneGet/oneget - PackageManagement (aka OneGet) is a package manager for Windows
- OpenLiveWriter/OpenLiveWriter - An open source fork of Windows Live Writer
- apauley/HollingBerries - A fictional scenario implemented in multiple languages in order to compare language paradigms.
- TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus - Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
- 0voice/introduce_c-cpp_manual - 一个收集C/C++新手学习的入门项目,整理收纳开发者开源的小项目、工具、框架、游戏等,视频,书籍,面试题/算法题,技术文章。
- hunterzju/llvm-tutorial - llvm-tutorial文档,翻译以及代码仓库
- estuary/flow - 🌊 Continuously synchronize the systems where your data lives, to the systems where you want it to live, with Estuary Flow. 🌊
- xiexiexx/DSAD -
- aikuimail/chromium_demo - A series of demos to show how chromium is constructed.
- tomlooman/ActionRoguelike - Third-person Action Roguelike made in Unreal Engine C++. Project for Unreal Engine C++ Course & Stanford University
- DDoSolitary/LxRunOffline - A full-featured utility for managing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- duckdb/duckdb - DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system
- r-darwish/kilopp - The Kilo editor in modern C++
- applenob/Cpp_Primer_Practice - 搞定C++:punch:。C++ Primer 中文版第5版学习仓库,包括笔记和课后练习答案。
- fujieda/xkeymacs -
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
- liancheng/llvm-tutorial-cn - Simplified Chinese translation for the LLVM Tutorial
- cameron314/concurrentqueue - A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
- ApolloAuto/apollo - An open autonomous driving platform
- zouxiaohang/TinySTL - TinySTL is a subset of STL(cut some containers and algorithms) and also a superset of STL(add some other containers and algorithms)
- sysown/proxysql - High-performance MySQL proxy with a GPL license.
- CppCon/CppCon2014 - Speaker materials from CppCon 2014
- weolar/miniblink49 - a lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in your app. 一个小巧、轻量的浏览器内核,用来取代wke和libcef
- KDAB/codebrowser - Woboq CodeBrowser
- Tencent/phxsql - A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.
- stevenknown/xoc - XOC is a compiler infrastructure that provides multi-level operations, flexibility, and the capability of representing almost all popular languages. There are two level IR representations used through
- facebook/wangle - Wangle is a framework providing a set of common client/server abstractions for building services in a consistent, modular, and composable way.
- rtbkit/rtbkit - RTBkit is an open-source software package that allows you to create and deploy a Real Time Bidder for display advertising.
- yyzybb537/libgo - Go-style concurrency in C++11
- xidui/algorithm-training -
- scylladb/scylladb - NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
- CppCon/CppCon2015 - Presentation Materials from CppCon 2015
- facebook/react-native - A framework for building native applications using React
- grpc/grpc - The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
- liuruoze/EasyPR - (CGCSTCD'2017) An easy, flexible, and accurate plate recognition project for Chinese licenses in unconstrained situations. CGCSTCD = China Graduate Contest on Smart-city Technology and Creative Desig
- zhihu/kids - Kids Is Data Stream
- haoel/leetcode - LeetCode Problems' Solutions
- ideawu/ssdb - SSDB - A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
- shogun-toolbox/shogun - Shōgun
- wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial - 中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中)
- quantcast/qfs - Quantcast File System
- twitter-forks/mysql - MySQL fork maintained and used at Twitter
- sonyxperiadev/WebGL - WebGL for Android Browser
- wizardforcel/sicp-py-zh - 📖【译】UCB CS61a SICP Python
- houshanren/hangzhou_house_knowledge - 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I
- rime/home - Rime::Home is home to Rime users and developers
- BonsaiDen/JavaScript-Garden - A collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript language.
- mobi-css/mobi.css - A lightweight, scalable, mobile-first CSS framework
- isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines - The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
- ruanyf/jstutorial - Javascript tutorial book
- hurley25/wiki - OS开发编写的资料
- pragmaticly/teahour.fm - Teahour.fm - Chinese Podcast focusing on programming, entrepreneurship and other geeky topics.
- onlytiancai/pyempty - python空项目
- imteekay/programming-language-research - ✨ Programming Language Research, Applied PLT & Compilers
- jepsen-io/jepsen - A framework for distributed systems verification, with fault injection
- dm3/clojure.java-time - Java 8 Date-Time API for Clojure
- tobyhede/lein-git-deps - git dependencies for leiningen
- incanter/incanter - Clojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM
- miner/herbert - Clojure library defining a schema for edn values
- plumatic/schema - Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation
- clj-commons/pomegranate - A sane Clojure API for Maven Artifact Resolver + dynamic runtime modification of the classpath
- jiacai2050/scheme.clj - Yet another scheme dialect written in Clojure and ClojureScript
- riemann/riemann - A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
- cymen/clojure-netty - Basic example of using netty with Clojure
- clj-commons/aleph - Asynchronous streaming communication for Clojure - web server, web client, and raw TCP/UDP
- purcell/rosettacode-clojure - My Clojure contributions to Rosettacode
- killme2008/storm-monitor - A monitor for storm
- ecomfe/knowledge - Front-end knowledge hierarchy
- agrentum/GITSP - Solutions to Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation by David S. Touretzky
- skilion/onedrive - Free Client for OneDrive on Linux
- purcell/emacs.d - An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included
- ghoseb/dotemacs - BG's custom Emacs setup
- fireinice/fii-dot-emacs - my emacs configuration
- lostcolony/damocles - An Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box.
- ericmoritz/wsdemo - A Cowboy Websocket demo
- goal-web/goal - a graceful framework of golang
- goal-web/querybuilder - 一个像 Laravel 那样好用的查询构造器。
- megaease/easeprobe - A simple, standalone, and lightweight tool that can do health/status checking, written in Go.
- grafana/k6 - A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - https://k6.io
- lesovsky/noisia - Harmful workload generator for PostgreSQL
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- radondb/radon - RadonDB is an open source, cloud-native MySQL database for building global, scalable cloud services
- haifenghuang/monkey - Interpreter with support for class, linq, sql, net, http, fmt, json and A realtime syntax highlighting REPL.
- cch123/asm-cli - Interactive shell of assembly language(X86/X64) based on unicorn and keystone
- coyove/goflyway - An encrypted HTTP server
- ouqiang/delay-queue - 延迟队列
- qiniu/logkit - Very powerful server agent for collecting & sending logs & metrics with an easy-to-use web console.
- dgraph-io/badger - Fast key-value DB in Go.
- TencentBlueKing/bk-cmdb - 蓝鲸智云配置平台(BlueKing CMDB)
- lonng/yue - simple demo for nex(https://github.com/lonnng/nex)
- flike/kingshard - A high-performance MySQL proxy
- teh-cmc/seq - [Go] seq - a gentle overview of the common ways to tackle the problem of distributed sequential IDs.
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- hashicorp/consul - Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
- hashicorp/serf - Service orchestration and management tool.
- v2ray/v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- cyfdecyf/cow - HTTP proxy written in Go. COW can automatically identify blocked sites and use parent proxies to access.
- harness/gitness - Gitness is an Open Source developer platform with Source Control management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
- docker/compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- hashicorp/terraform - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amo
- google/cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
- kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- cockroachdb/cockroach - CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native distributed SQL database.
- vitessio/vitess - Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
- prometheus/prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
- karan/joe - 🏃 A .gitignore magician in your command line
- skynetservices/skynet-archive - Skynet is a framework for distributed services in Go.
- hellogcc/100-gdb-tips - A collection of gdb tips. 100 maybe just mean many here.
- huichen/wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎
- qiye45/wechatDownload - 微信公众号文章批量下载工具,支持图片、评论下载,支持保存html/mhtml/md/pdf/docx文件
- PKUanonym/REKCARC-TSC-UHT - 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
- microsoft/ML-For-Beginners - 12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
- zelenski/stanford-cpp-library - Stanford C++ library used in CS106B/X courses
- wx-chevalier/Developer-Zero-To-Mastery - 📚 To Be Professional Developer From Zero To Mastery, Interactive MindMap, RoadMap(Learning Path/Interview Questions), xCompass, Weekly for Developer, to Learn Everything in ITCS 💫 程序员的技术视
- huangzworks/clojure_api_cn - Clojure API 文档的中文翻译版
- ElemeFE/restc - A server-side middleware to visualize REST requests.
- phodal/fe - 《我的职业是前端工程师》 - Ebook:I'm a FrontEnd Developer
- ufologist/puer-mock - Puer + Mock.js = A configurable mock server with configurable mock(random) data.
- barretlee/blogChat - Chat room source code for Barret Lee's Personal Blog.
- jasonblog/Stock -
- clojuredocs/guides - Documentation guides and tutorials for Clojure. Various authors.
- sarabander/sicp - HTML5/EPUB3 version of SICP
- StorjOld/storj.io - Landing page for the project.
- twitter/scala_school - Lessons in the Fundamentals of Scala
- google/styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
- NVIDIA/DIGITS - Deep Learning GPU Training System
- tulios/json-viewer - It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP.
- miloyip/itoa-benchmark - C++ integer-to-string conversion benchmark
- coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
- chuanxshi/javascript-patterns - JavaScript Design Patterns
- hugozhu/blog - Personal Blog for hugozhu.myalert.info
- harvesthq/chosen - Deprecated - Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
- facebook/hhvm - A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
- graninas/hierarchical-free-monads-the-most-developed-approach-in-haskell - Big article about Hierarchical Free Monads, the most developed approach to build real software in Haskell
- PostgREST/postgrest - REST API for any Postgres database
- huangzworks/real-world-haskell-cn - 《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
- krahets/hello-algo - 《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
- Snailclimb/JavaGuide - 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
- MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimation - Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
- Netflix/conductor - Conductor is a microservices orchestration engine.
- yezheng1981/Java-Geometry-Expert - Java Geometry Expert
- crossoverJie/cim - 📲cim(cross IM) 适用于开发者的分布式即时通讯系统
- yuchenggroup/rapid-generator - 半自动化Java代码生成器
- simpligility/ksoap2-android - ksoap2-android - SOAP support for Android
- wix-incubator/wix-embedded-mysql - embedded mysql based on https://github.com/flapdoodle-oss/de.flapdoodle.embed.process
- zhentao/maven-embedded-mysql -
- MariaDB4j/MariaDB4j - MariaDB Embedded in Java JAR
- oracle/graal - GraalVM compiles Java applications into native executables that start instantly, scale fast, and use fewer compute resources 🚀
- dedoussis/algebrain-legacy - Computer Algebra System focusing on symbolic transformations
- iluwatar/java-design-patterns - Design patterns implemented in Java
- hellokaton/30-seconds-of-java8 - 30 seconds to collect useful Java 8 snippet.
- ffay/lanproxy - lanproxy是一个将局域网个人电脑、服务器代理到公网的内网穿透工具,支持tcp流量转发,可支持任何tcp上层协议(访问内网网站、本地支付接口调试、ssh访问、远程桌面、http代理、https代理、socks5代理...)。技术交流QQ群 736294209
- DmitryKey/luke - This is mavenised Luke: Lucene Toolbox Project
- ihaolin/diablo - 分布式配置管理平台(Distributed Configuration Management Platform)
- luohaha/jlitespider - A lite distributed Java spider framework :-)
- wosyingjun/Leek - A distributed real-time stock picking system base on flume,kafka,jstorm,esper,and mysql
- kevinhqf/DouBanTop250 -
- CankingApp/PermissionDemo - Android M(6.0) 权限申请研究
- lealone/Lealone - 比 MySQL 和 MongoDB 快10倍的 OLTP 关系数据库和文档数据库
- puniverse/quasar - Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM
- Netflix/Hystrix - Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distr
- spotify/heroic - The Heroic Time Series Database
- pinpoint-apm/pinpoint - APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.
- OpenTSDB/opentsdb - A scalable, distributed Time Series Database.
- machanic/CronHub - CronHub is a better crontab, it is a web application which can schedule, monitor and control the crontabs of multiple machines from the web page.
- google/gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- DroidPluginTeam/DroidPlugin - A plugin framework on android,Run any third-party apk without installation, modification or repackage
- codefollower/Cassandra-Research - Cassandra数据库源代码学习研究(包括代码注释、文档、用于代码分析的测试用例)
- code4craft/netty-learning - Netty learning.
- vanjakom/BloomFilterExample - Bloom filter implemented in Java with support for multiple hashers
- hekailiang/squirrel - squirrel-foundation is a State Machine library, which provided a lightweight, easy use, type safe and programmable state machine implementation for Java.
- codefollower/H2-Research - H2数据库源代码学习研究(包括代码注释、文档、用于代码分析的测试用例)
- LinkedInAttic/white-elephant - Hadoop log aggregator and dashboard
- beckchr/staxon - JSON via StAX
- Netflix/SimianArmy - Tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form. Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
- wangscu/jessica - jessica is a real time pure ram index fork from lucene-2312
- Dempsy/dempsy - Distributed Elastic Message Processing System
- jiaojing/dubhe -
- taobao/sqlautoreview - automatic review database dml sql(select,insert,update,delete),build create index script for every SQL statment,and merge all create index script with exist indexes on these tables.
- cutting/trevni - a column file format
- cenwenchu/beatles - 中小规模即时流数据分析集群
- Netflix/curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework
- stleary/JSON-java - A reference implementation of a JSON package in Java.
- facebookarchive/hadoop-20 - Facebook's Realtime Distributed FS based on Apache Hadoop 0.20-append
- hector-client/hector - a high level client for cassandra
- bigskysoftware/htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML
- ascoders/weekly - 前端精读周刊。帮你理解最前沿、实用的技术。
- fanmingming/live - ✯ 一个可直连访问的电视/广播图标库与相关工具项目 ✯ 🔕 永久免费 直连访问 完整开源 不断完善的台标 支持IPv4/IPv6双栈访问 🔕
- Ice-Hazymoon/openai-scf-proxy - 使用腾讯云函数一分钟搭建 OpenAI 免翻墙代理
- a-wing/webrtc-book-cn - 中文翻译 《 Real-Time Communication with WebRTC 》
- viatsko/awesome-vscode - 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
- be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic - Sarasa Gothic / 更纱黑体 / 更紗黑體 / 更紗ゴシック / 사라사 고딕
- docker-app-manager/docker-app-manager - Docker App Manager
- ericabouaf/gh-issues-gantt - Generate Gantt Diagrams from GitHub Issues
- pod4g/hiper - 🚀 A statistical analysis tool for performance testing
- chaozh/awesome-blockchain-cn - 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料
- santinic/how2 - AI for the Command Line
- easy-mock/easy-mock - A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view.
- blockchain-university/databank - 区块链技术相关的论文、文档
- aisingapore/TagUI - Free RPA tool by AI Singapore
- azat-co/practicalnode - Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] 📓
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- mozilla/fxa-auth-server - DEPRECATED - Migrated to https://github.com/mozilla/fxa
- plotly/plotly.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
- FormidableLabs/redux-little-router - A tiny router for Redux that lets the URL do the talking.
- redux-utilities/flux-standard-action - A human-friendly standard for Flux action objects.
- alsotang/node-lessons - 📕《Node.js 包教不包会》 by alsotang
- chjtx/JRoll - Smooth scrolling for the mobile web
- ruanyf/react-demos - a collection of simple demos of React.js
- Flipboard/react-canvas - High performance <canvas> rendering for React components
- vuejs/vue-cli - 🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development
- volksbright/document-standard-vue - 印记中文 - Vue.js 中文文档
- Jianru-Lin/lambda-view - A New Tool for Reading JavaScript Code since 2017
- xumingming/yash - 使用Markdown文件来管理项目计划。
- wangpengfei15975/skPlayer - 🎵 A simple & beautiful HTML5 music player
- chakra-core/ChakraCore - ChakraCore is an open source Javascript engine with a C API.
- yutaodou/devdocs-wrapper - A simple wrapper for http://devdocs.io with Electron
- bcoe/karait - A ridiculously simple queuing system, with clients in various languages, built on top of MongoDB.
- meteor/meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
- hubotio/hubot - A customizable life embetterment robot.
- cjb/GitTorrent - A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin
- ruanyf/es6tutorial - 《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的 JavaScript 语言教程,全面介绍 ECMAScript 6 新增的语法特性。
- hound-search/hound - Lightning fast code searching made easy
- petehunt/react-one-hour-email - Build a very simple email client in an hour, step by step.
- JacksonTian/fks - 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
- sskyy/Gilgamesh - A collection of modern javascript frameworks' extensions
- Unitech/pm2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
- finscn/iCreator - A command-line tool for creating all icons and launch-screen images of iOS App.
- guo-yu/douban.fm - a tiny and smart cli player of douban.fm in Node.js
- qiao/PathFinding.js - A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
- binux/ThunderLixianExporter - export thunder lixian url to aria2/wget
- binux/yaaw - Yet Another Aria2 Webui in pure HTML/CSS/Javascirpt
- harthur/brain - Simple feed-forward neural network in JavaScript
- wofeiwo/website-analyzer - Analyze and display the Web technology of current page.
- NetEase/pomelo - A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js.
- AlloyTeam/JX - JX(Javascript eXtension tools) 是腾讯AlloyTeam推出的模块化、非侵入式Web前端框架,适合构建和组织工业级大规模、高效率的 Web App
- cnodejs/nodeclub - 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统
- codejoust/session.js - Session.js - Get user session information
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- liftoff/GateOne - Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client
- IntelLabs/RiverTrail - An API for data parallelism in JavaScript
- Jinjiang/h5slides - A Slides App based on HTML5
- hakimel/reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
- tastejs/todomvc - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for React.js, Ember.js, Angular, and many more
- mozilla/pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
- ckaestne/seai - CMU Lecture: Machine Learning In Production / AI Engineering / Software Engineering for AI-Enabled Systems (SE4AI)
- weijie-chen/Linear-Algebra-With-Python - Lecture Notes for Linear Algebra Featuring Python. This series of lecture notes will walk you through all the must-know concepts that set the foundation of data science or advanced quantitative skills
- mml-book/mml-book.github.io - Companion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning"
- aRe00t/longwin - 计算E大的"长赢指数投资计划"收益率
- virgili0/Virgilio - Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning.
- roboticcam/machine-learning-notes - My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (2000+ slides) 我不间断更新的机器学习,概率模型和深度学习的讲义(2000+页)和视频链接
- datacamp/datacamp-community-tutorials - Tutorials for DataCamp (www.datacamp.com)
- aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples - TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2)
- wx-chevalier/AI-Notes - 📚 [.md & .ipynb] Series of Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning, including Mathematics Fundamentals, Python Practices, NLP Application, etc. 💫 人工智能与深度学习实战,数理统计篇 | 机器学习篇 | 深度学习篇 | 自然语言处理篇 | 工具
- PAIR-code/facets - Visualizations for machine learning datasets
- yidao620c/python3-cookbook - 《Python Cookbook》 3rd Edition Translation
- uwdb/Cosette - Cosette is an automated SQL solver.
- taoso/vim - Taoso's vimrc
- jcjohnson/neural-style - Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
- koreader/koreader - An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
- appwilldev/moochine - MOOCHINE - A simple and lightweight web framework based on OpenResty(ngx_lua, http://openresty.org).
- binghe/pcl-cn - Practical Common Lisp (中英文对照版) - for Chinese only
- tinyclub/linux-lab - Docker/Qemu Based Linux Kernel Learning, Development and Testing Environment; New Linux ELF Video Course from this project author: https://www.cctalk.com/m/group/88089283
- krareT/trkdb -
- peddie/Makefile-template - A generic makefile template
- vantage-sh/ec2instances.info - Amazon EC2 instance comparison site
- OAI/OpenAPI-Specification - The OpenAPI Specification Repository
- docker/docs - Source repo for Docker's Documentation
- h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS - A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
- liuzhiyi1992/ZYSideSlipFilter - Awesome side slip filter for your display rack, 侧边栏条件筛选器,筛选区域模块插拔,AutoLayout动态适配区域高度
- bang590/JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotf
- Aufree/trip-to-iOS - A curated list of delightful iOS resources.
- FLEXTool/FLEX - An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
- toutiaoio/weekly.manong.io - 码农周刊 - 每周五发送,欢迎订阅!欢迎加入读者圈子,一起交流!
- cyberyoung/notes - 读书笔记
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- sourcegraph/awesome-code-ai - A list of AI coding tools (assistants, completions, refactoring, etc.)
- PetalsOnaWet/lizhi - 李志所有歌曲下载地址 Li Zhi all songs download address
- mli/paper-reading - 深度学习经典、新论文逐段精读
- liuhuanyong/CommonSchemaKG - schemakg, a knowledge graph for schema that seeks to cover a range of things as much as possible including entity schema and event schema。试图构建起覆盖度尽可能广的schema体系,包括实体以及事件。
- r0eXpeR/Online_Tools - 一些在线的工具,情报资源
- chentsulin/awesome-graphql - Awesome list of GraphQL
- shining1984/PL-Compiler-Resource - 程序语言与编译技术相关资料(持续更新中)
- practical-tutorials/project-based-learning - Curated list of project-based tutorials
- sixhobbits/technical-writing - A collection of materials relating to technical writing
- MingchaoZhu/InterpretableMLBook - 《可解释的机器学习--黑盒模型可解释性理解指南》,该书为《Interpretable Machine Learning》中文版
- FudanNLP/nlp-beginner - NLP上手教程
- jwasham/coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- jhuangtw/xg2xg - by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
- maemual/raft-zh_cn - Raft一致性算法论文的中文翻译
- formulahendry/awesome-vscode-cn - 中文版 Awesome VS Code
- jeffgerickson/algorithms - Bug-tracking for Jeff's algorithms book, notes, etc.
- aalansehaiyang/technology-talk - 【大厂面试专栏】一份Java程序员需要的技术指南,这里有面试题、系统架构、职场锦囊、主流中间件等,让你成为更牛的自己!
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- vuejs/vue-docs-zh-cn - 该项目已不再维护,有劳通过 Vue 官网查阅最新的文档
- niezhiyang/open_source_team - 国内顶尖团队的开源地址
- awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets - A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
- wuye9036/ChsLLVMDocs - It is a set of LLVM documents which are translated into Chinese.
- oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017/lectures - Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course
- stanzhai/be-a-professional-programmer - 成为专业程序员路上用到的各种优秀资料、神器及框架
- tonydeng/clojure-learning-notes - Clojure学习笔记
- kenberkeley/redux-simple-tutorial - Redux 简明教程。本教程深入浅出,配套入门、进阶源码解读以及文档注释丰富的 Demo 等一条龙服务
- wwsun/awesome-javascript - A learning guide for JavaScript programmers.
- markerikson/redux-ecosystem-links - A categorized list of Redux-related addons, libraries, and utilities
- markerikson/react-redux-links - Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more
- xgrommx/awesome-redux - Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares
- jobbole/awesome-programming-books - 经典编程书籍大全,涵盖:计算机系统与网络、系统架构、算法与数据结构、前端开发、后端开发、移动开发、数据库、测试、项目与团队、程序员职业修炼、求职面试等
- joggerplus/awesome-weex - A curated list of awesome Weex guides, articles, sites, tools, projects and resources.
- QConChina/QConShanghai2016 - QCon上海2016幻灯片
- yeoman/yeoman - Yeoman - a set of tools for automating development workflow
- enaqx/awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
- oldratlee/translations - 🐼 Chinese translations for classic software development resources
- vuejs/awesome-vue - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- jikeytang/sublime-text - sublime-text
- jtyjty99999/mobileTech - A useful tools or tips list for mobile web application developing
- facert/awesome-spider - 爬虫集合
- Charles0429/papers - 读论文的总结
- veggiemonk/awesome-docker - 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- microsoft/api-guidelines - Microsoft REST API Guidelines
- ictar/python-doc - translate python documents to Chinese for convenient reference 简而言之,这里用来存放那些Python文档君们,并且尽力将其翻译成中文~~
- kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way - Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way. No scripts.
- imweb/FKB - WEB前端知识库,Frontend Knowledge Base
- huihoo/docs - 开放文档资源索引
- AntBranch/awesome-github - A curated list of awesome GitHub guides, articles, sites, tools, projects and resources. 收集这个列表,只是为了更好地使用GitHub,欢迎提交pr和issue。
- SunLn/SunLn-F2E-Bookmarks - SunLn的前端收藏夹,值得分享、学习的前端网站
- LinuxStory/Advanced-Bash-Scripting-Guide-in-Chinese - 《Bash脚本进阶指南》第十次修订本中文版
- jobbole/awesome-c-cn - C 资源大全中文版,包括了:构建系统、编译器、数据库、加密、初中高的教程/指南、书籍、库等。
- idcos/Cloudboot - Document
- jobbole/awesome-javascript-cn - JavaScript 资源大全中文版,内容包括:包管理器、加载器、测试框架、运行器、QA、MVC框架和库、模板引擎等。由「开源前哨」和「前端大全」微信公号团队维护更新。
- jobbole/awesome-java-cn - Java资源大全中文版,包括开发库、开发工具、网站、博客、微信、微博等,由伯乐在线持续更新。
- fouber/blog - 没事写写文章,喜欢的话请点star,想订阅点watch,千万别fork!
- codefollower/CCUG - 中国Cassandra数据库用户组(China Cassandra User Group)
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- ipfs/ipfs - Peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
- codrops/css-reference-issues - A repo for collecting issues and suggestions for the Codrops CSS Reference http://tympanus.net/codrops/css_reference/
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- kbandla/APTnotes - Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns
- ch11ng/exwm - Emacs X Window Manager
- Tim9Liu9/TimLiu-iOS - iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
- jeremycole/innodb_diagrams - Diagrams for InnoDB data structures and behaviors
- hzlzh/Best-App - 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等
- jnv/lists - The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
- pcqpcq/open-source-android-apps - Open-Source Android Apps
- android-cn/android-open-project-analysis - Analysis implementation of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
- owainlewis/awesome-artificial-intelligence - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
- CN-Chrome-DevTools/CN-Chrome-DevTools - Chrome开发者工具中文手册
- fcambus/nginx-resources - A collection of resources covering Nginx, Nginx + Lua, OpenResty and Tengine
- ty4z2008/Qix - Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang
- memect/hao - 好东西传送门
- getify/You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
- openrtb/OpenRTB - Documentation and issue tracking for the OpenRTB Project
- qyuhen/book - 学习笔记
- redguardtoo/mastering-emacs-in-one-year-guide - Be great at emacs in one year
- tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
- staticfile/static - 开放静态文件 - 为开源库提供稳定、快速的免费 CDN 服务
- ohsc/ThunderLixianAssistant - 可以方便的把迅雷离线的下载地址导出到aria2/aria2-rpc/wget/IDM/Orbit,支持YAAW。
- videlalvaro/rabbit-internals - Documentation about the RabbitMQ internals
- walu/phpbook - PHP扩展开发及内核应用
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- nemoTyrant/manong - 码农周刊整理
- docker/labs - This is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools. Contributions welcome.
- ixqbar/tcpproxy - (不再维护,请使用https://github.com/snail007/goproxy)!!!!!!! 基于swoole实现的TCP数据包转发,可用于转发请求包到指定应用,可实现内网花生壳等类似功能
- hanc00l/wooyun_public - This repo is archived. Thanks for wooyun! 乌云公开漏洞、知识库爬虫和搜索 crawl and search for wooyun.org public bug(vulnerability) and drops
- fex-team/fis - Front-end Integrated Solution - 前端集成解决方案, 最新版请进入 FIS3 https://github.com/fex-team/fis3
- easychen/LazyREST - 可通过Web配置的REST Server,采用GPLV2授权
- easychen/TeamToy - 企业协同办公工具TeamToy2(多人TODO版)官方Git源
- digoal/blog - OpenSource,Database,Business,Minds. git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/digoal/blog
- openresty/programming-openresty - Programming OpenResty Book
- openresty/nginx-tutorials - Nginx Tutorials
- mitmproxy/mitmproxy - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- barry-far/V2ray-Configs - 🛰️✨ Free V2ray Configs , Updating Every 10 minutes.
- stanford-oval/WikiChat - WikiChat stops the hallucination of large language models by retrieving data from Wikipedia.
- josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- cascadium/wsl-windows-toolbar-launcher - Adds linux GUI application menu to a windows toolbar
- MingchaoZhu/DeepLearning - Python for《Deep Learning》,该书为《深度学习》(花书) 数学推导、原理剖析与源码级别代码实现
- EugeneLiu/translationCSAPP - 为 CSAPP 视频课程提供字幕,翻译 PPT,Lab。
- jackfrued/Python-100-Days - Python - 100天从新手到大师
- apachecn/ailearning - AiLearning:数据分析+机器学习实战+线性代数+PyTorch+NLTK+TF2
- Gerapy/Gerapy - Distributed Crawler Management Framework Based on Scrapy, Scrapyd, Django and Vue.js
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - What the f*ck Python? 😱
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- ramsayleung/jd_spider - Two dumb distributed crawlers
- lucasjinreal/weibo_terminater - Final Weibo Crawler Scrap Anything From Weibo, comments, weibo contents, followers, anything. The Terminator
- explosion/spaCy - 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
- bonfy/github-trending - Tracking the most popular Github repos, update daily(Python version)
- shidenggui/easytrader - 提供同花顺客户端/国金/华泰客户端/雪球的基金、股票自动程序化交易以及自动打新,支持跟踪 joinquant /ricequant 模拟交易 和 实盘雪球组合, 量化交易组件
- MagicStack/asyncpg - A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
- ricequant/rqalpha - A extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest && trading framework supporting multiple securities
- multiangle/HillaryEmailAnalysis -
- waditu/tushare - TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
- lra/mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
- darknessomi/musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本
- nucypher/zerodb - This project is no longer actively maintained. If you'd like to become the maintainer, please let us know. ZeroDB is an end-to-end encrypted database. Data can be stored and queried on untrusted dat
- marklit/airline-passenger-counts - Commercial Airline Passenger Counts between airports (for latest year reported, usually 2013)
- taobao/nginx-book - Nginx开发从入门到精通
- debops/debops-tools - Your Debian-based data center in a box
- USArmyResearchLab/Dshell - Dshell is a network forensic analysis framework.
- amoffat/snake - Full Python Scripting in Vim
- TheRook/subbrute - A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains.
- pallets/werkzeug - The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
- knownsec/RD_Checklist - 知道创宇研发技能表
- toxinu/Sublimall - Synchronize your SublimeText configuration
- apenwarr/sshuttle - Wrong project! You should head over to http://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle
- ycm-core/ycmd - A code-completion & code-comprehension server
- wouterdebie/i2cssh - csshX like ssh tool for iTerm2
- gnemoug/distribute_crawler - 使用scrapy,redis, mongodb,graphite实现的一个分布式网络爬虫,底层存储mongodb集群,分布式使用redis实现,爬虫状态显示使用graphite实现
- clips/pattern - Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks -
- kernel1983/NoMagic -
- b-ryan/powerline-shell - A beautiful and useful prompt for your shell
- farcepest/moist - Python database adaptor for MySQL, MariaDB, Drizzle, and other watery databases
- meredith620/sentry - monitor machine resources like cpu,disk I/O,mem,ethernet... and display the charts
- selfspy/selfspy - Log everything you do on the computer, for statistics, future reference and all-around fun!
- pypxe/PyPXE - Pure Python PXE (DHCP-(Proxy)/TFTP/HTTP/NBD) Server
- huangzworks/ooredis - 基于 redis-py 之上的一个 Mapper ,让你以更 pythonic 的方式来操作 Redis 。
- jedp/python-redis-log - A Python logging handler that publishes to redis pub/sub channels
- vicalloy/LBForum - LBForum is a forum engine written in Python using Django
- harryxu/gitube -
- rstacruz/sparkup - A parser for a condensed HTML format
- DeathKing/Learning-SICP - MIT视频公开课《计算机程序的构造和解释》中文化项目及课程学习资料搜集。
- github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
- boxen/our-boxen - Copy me for your team.
- rollbar/rollbar-rails-demo - Rails app for the Rollbar demo project.
- haileys/rustboot - A tiny 32 bit kernel written in Rust
- zhuangbiaowei/docker-console -
- theforeman/foreman - an application that automates the lifecycle of servers
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.
- bdewey/org-ruby - This gem contains Ruby routines for parsing org-mode files. The most significant thing this library does today is convert org-mode files to HTML or textile.
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- antirez/lamernews - Lamer News -- an HN style social news site written in Ruby/Sinatra/Redis/JQuery
- yavaeye/yavaeye - repo of yavaeye.com
- puma/puma - A Ruby/Rack web server built for parallelism
- delano/redis-dump - Redis to JSON and nack again
- lg/murder - Large scale server deploys using BitTorrent and the BitTornado library (NOTE: project no longer maintained)
- QMHTMY/RustBook - A book about Rust Data Structures and Algorithms.
- datafuselabs/databend - 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮, 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 & 𝗔𝗜. Modern alternative to Snowflake. Cost-effective and simple for massive-scale analytics. https://databend.com
- Enter-tainer/cxx2flow - 将 C/C++ 代码转换成流程图 / Turn your C/C++ code into flowchart
- iron/iron - An Extensible, Concurrent Web Framework for Rust
- servo/servo - Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
- influxdata/influxdb - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
- cloudera/livy - Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere
- tumblr/colossus - I/O and Microservice library for Scala
- fpinscala/fpinscala - Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
- ThoughtWorksInc/each - A macro library that converts native imperative syntax to scalaz's monadic expressions
- wuhx/shelldroid - Create Virtual Environment for your Android Apps
- lihaoyi/Metascala - A JVM written in Scala
- yahoo/CMAK - CMAK is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters
- luohaha/lambda-calculus - lambda calculus interpreter
- cisco/ChezScheme - Chez Scheme
- Vonng/pigsty - Battery-Included PostgreSQL Distro as a Free RDS Alternative
- QiuSimons/YAOF - OpenWrt for Nanopi R2C/R2S/R4S/X86
- hq450/fancyss - fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router.
- apachecn/ai-roadmap - ApacheCN AI 路线图(知识树)
- powerline/fonts - Patched fonts for Powerline users.
- notofonts/noto-cjk - Noto CJK fonts
- ryran/xsos - sosreport examiner - instantly summarize system info from a sosreport or a running system
- minos-org/minos-static - static binaries for linux
- learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing - ⚡ From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more 🎨
- jiangxin/docker-gotgit - Dockerfile for gotgit/gotgit
- redox-os/redox - Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox
- jenv/jenv - Manage your Java environment
- gpakosz/.tmux - 🇫🇷 Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️
- nvie/gitflow - Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
- wangkuiyi/paddle-code-browse -
- lujun9972/emacs-document - translate emacs documents to Chinese for convenient reference
- ftao/vpn-deploy-playbook - A Collection of Ansible Playbook for deploy vpn services
- openstack/training-guides - Community created, open source training guides for OpenStack. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
- facebookarchive/caffe2 - Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
- jondot/keymaps -
- rasa/vmware-tools-patches - Patch and build VMware tools automatically
- phusion/baseimage-docker - A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles - 🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
- papers-we-love/papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
- chunshengster/scripts - some little scripts like python bash perl etc.
- yesodweb/benchmarks - Collection of various Haskell web benchmarks
- rupa/z - z - jump around
- johnlui/Swift-MMP - 🎧 Stream Material-design Music Player written by Swift for iOS.
- cjiong/LearnSwift - One hundred days, fifty projects.
- snipsco/Postal - A Swift framework for working with emails
- ipader/SwiftGuide - Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
- liuxinyu95/AlgoXY - Book of Elementary Functional Algorithms and Data structures
- soulmachine/machine-learning-cheat-sheet - Classical equations and diagrams in machine learning
- uber/tchannel - network multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC
- Bowen7/regex-vis - 🎨 Regex visualizer & editor
- Project-DARC/DARC - Decentralized Autonomous Regulated Company (DARC), a company virtual machine that runs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, with on-chain law system, multi-level tokens and dividends mechanism.
- pascalw/dashbling - Hackable React based dashboards for developers, inspired by Dashing.
- compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer - Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
- alangpierce/sucrase - Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes
- Tencent/omi - Web Components Framework - Web组件框架
- railsware/upterm - A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
- react-cosmos/react-cosmos - Sandbox for developing and testing UI components in isolation
- jquery/esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
- babel/babel - 🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- vuejs/vue - This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
- rhysd/vim.wasm - Vim editor ported to WebAssembly
- int32bit/dotfiles - A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
- liuchengxu/space-vim - 🍀 Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distribution
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- buaazp/vimconf - Personal vim conf and plugins for Mac and Linux.
- spf13/spf13-vim - The ultimate vim distribution
- VundleVim/Vundle.vim - Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
- altercation/solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- carlhuda/janus - Vim distribution
- amix/vimrc - The ultimate Vim configuration (vimrc)
- FredKSchott/CoVim - Collaborative Editing for Vim
- huacnlee/vimmate - Custom vim like Textmate for Ruby on Rails development
- tpope/vim-pathogen - pathogen.vim: manage your runtimepath
- zyronon/douyin - Vue3 + Pinia 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile
- cfour-hi/gitstars - Github Starred Repositories Manager
- shaobeichen/lvyou - 🎒Vue.js 初步进阶案例,路由懒加载,进入页面前登录判断,返回导航判断,RestAPI接口使用,组件封装,Vuex状态封装,keep-alive页面缓存等功能
- lzxb/vue-cnode - 基于vue2 + vue-router + vuet + ES6 + less + flex.css重写vue版cnode社区,使用webpack2打包
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