This is a client library for the API. It is designed to be:
- Easy to use
- Customizable when you need it
- Adaptable to API changes
- Easy to integrate with python-chess
Have a look at some short examples. For more, check out the full documentation.
Getting a user's rating:
>>> import lichess.api
>>> user = lichess.api.user('thibault')
>>> print(user['perfs']['blitz']['rating'])
Checking who's online and playing:
>>> import lichess.api
>>> users = list(lichess.api.users_status(['thibault', 'cyanfish']))
>>> online = [u['id'] for u in users if u['online']]
>>> playing = [u['id'] for u in users if u['playing']]
>>> print(online, playing)
['thibault', 'cyanfish'] ['cyanfish']
Saving a PGN of a user's last 200 games:
>>> import lichess.api
>>> from lichess.format import SINGLE_PGN
>>> pgn = lichess.api.user_games('thibault', max=200, format=SINGLE_PGN)
>>> with open('last200.pgn', 'w') as f:
>>> f.write(pgn)
Integrating with python-chess:
>>> import lichess.api
>>> from lichess.format import PYCHESS
>>> game ='Qa7FJNk2', format=PYCHESS)
>>> print(game.end().board())
. . k . R b r .
. p p r . N p .
p . . . . . . p
. . . . . . . .
. . . p . . . .
P . . P . . . P
. P P . . P P .
. . K R . . . .
pip install python-lichess