This repository contains code to reproduce results from the paper:
Improving the Generalization of Adversarial Training with Domain Adaptation (ICLR 2019)
openreview report:
The code was tested with Python 3.6.5, Tensorflow 1.8.0, Keras 2.12, Keras_contrib 0.0.2, Torchvision 0.2.1 and Numpy 1.14.3.
We use Adversarial Training (on FGSM) with Domain Adaptaion to train a main model (modelZ) for CIFAR-10 (default).
python -m train_atda models/modelZ_atda --type=0
In addition, we use Adversarial Training (on the noisy PGD) with Domain Adaptaion to train a main model (modelZ) for CIFAR-10 (default).
python -m train_atda_npgd models/modelZ_atda --type=0
Then, we use Normal Training to train a model (modelC) for CIFAR-10 (default).
python -m train models/modelC --type=3
To use Original/ Standard Adversarial Training to train a main model:
python -m train_adv models/modelZ_adv --type=0
To use Ensemble Adversarial Training to train a main model:
# First train pre-trained models:
python -m train models/modelA --type=1
python -m train models/modelB --type=2
# use Ensemble Adversarial Training method to train with pre-trained models
python -m train_adv models/modelZ_ens models/modelA models/modelB --type=0
The accuracy of the models on the Fashion MNIST test set can be computed using:
python -m simple_eval test [model(s)]
To evaluate robustness to various attacks, we use:
python -m simple_eval [attack] [source_model] [target_model(s)] [--parameters (opt)]
The attack can be:
Attack | Description | Parameters |
fgs | Standard FGSM | eps (the norm of the perturbation) |
rfgs | RAND+FGSM | eps (the norm of the total perturbation); alpha (the norm of the random perturbation) |
pgd | The iterative FGSM | eps (the norm of the perturbation); steps (the number of iterative FGSM steps); alpha = eps/10.0 |
mim | Momentum Iterative Method | The parameter is fixed in the function momentum_fgs of the |
Code refer heavily to: Ensemble Adversarial Training