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RESH ❯❯ Contextual shell history for zsh and bash


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Rich Enhanced Shell History

Context-based replacement/enhancement for zsh and bash shell history


When you execute a command in zsh or bash following gets recorded to your shell history:

  • Command itself
  • Date
  • Duration of the command (only in zsh and only if enabled)

But shell usage is contextual - you probably use different commands based on additional context:

  • Current directory
  • Current git repository/origin
  • Previously executed commands
  • etc ...

Additionally it's annoying to not have your shell history follow you accros your devices. Have you lost your history when reinstalling? I personally think this is unacceptable in 2020.

Why not synchronize your shell history accross your devices and add some metadata to know where it came from:

  • Hostname
  • OS
  • etc ...

Imagine being able to search your shell history by command and getting relevant results based the additional context.

What this project does

✔️ Implemented
Implemented but I'm not happy with it
Not implemented

NOTE: Features can change in the future

  • ✔️ Record shell history with metadata

    • ✔️ save it as JSON to ~/.resh_history.json
  • ✅ Provide an app to search the history

    • ✔️ launch with CTRL+R (enable it using reshctl enable ctrl_r_binding_global)
    • ✔️ search by keywords
    • ✔️ relevant results show up first based on context (host, directory, git, exit status)
    • ✔️ allow searching completely without context ("raw" mode)
    • ✔️ import and search history from before RESH was installed
    • ✅ include a help with keybindings
    • ❌ allow listing details for individual commands
    • ❌ allow explicitly searching by metadata
  • ✅ Provide bindings for arrow keys

    • ✔️ imitate default behaviour (serve recent history)
    • ✔️ built-in prefix search
    • ✔️ serve fully dedupicated history
    • ❌ use arrow down for easy sequence repeating
    • ✔️ zsh
    • ✅ bash (off by deafult because of bash performance issues)
  • ✔️ Provide a reshctl utility to control and interact with the project

    • ✔️ turn on/off resh key bindings
    • ✔️ zsh completion
    • ✔️ bash completion
  • ❌ Multi-device history

    • ❌ Synchronize recorded history between devices
    • ❌ Allow proxying history when ssh'ing into remote servers
  • ❌ Provide a stable API to make resh extensible

  • ✔️ Support zsh and bash

  • ✔️ Support Linux and macOS

  • ✅ Require only essential prerequisite software

    • ✔️ Linux
    • ✅ MacOS (requires coreutils - brew install coreutils)
  • ✔️ Provide a tool to sanitize the recorded history


Standard stuff: bash, curl, tar, ...

Bash completions will only work if you have bash-completion installed

MacOS: coreutils (brew install coreutils), bash4.3+ is recommended



Run this command.

curl -fsSL | bash


  1. Run git clone && cd resh
  2. Run scripts/



Check for updates and update

reshctl update

RESH SEARCH application

RESH SEARCH app searches your history by commands. It uses host, directories, git remote, and exit status to show you relevant results first.

All this context is not in the regular shell history. RESH records shell history with context to use it when searching.

At first, the search application will look something like this. Some history with context and most of it without. As you can see, you can still search the history just fine.

resh search app

Eventually most of your history will have context and RESH SEARCH app will get more useful.

resh search app

Without a query, RESH SEARCH app shows you the latest history based on the current context (host, directory, git).

resh search app

RESH SEARCH app replaces the standard reverse search - launch it using Ctrl+R.

Enable/disable the Ctrl+R keybinding:

reshctl enable ctrl_r_binding
reshctl disable ctrl_r_binding

In-app key bindings

  • Type to search/filter
  • Up/Down or Ctrl+P/Ctrl+N to select results
  • Right to paste selected command onto the command line so you can edit it before execution
  • Enter to execute
  • Ctrl+C/Ctrl+D to quit
  • Ctrl+G to abort and paste the current query onto the command line
  • Ctrl+R to switch between RAW and NORMAL mode

Arrow key bindings

Resh provides arrow key bindings.

These bindings provide regular stepping through history and prefix search. They also fully deduplicate the served history.

They allow resh to record bindings usage metadata.

bindings metadata

In example above I pressed UP, pressed DOWN, pressed UP (prefix search make) and the command line after the last command line retrieved from history was make build so we see that I executed the retrieved command without editing it.

Arrow key bindings are enabled by default in zsh and they are disabled by default in bash because there are some performance issues.

Enable/disable arrow key bindings:

reshctl enable arrow_key_bindings

reshctl disable arrow_key_bindings

See what your current setting is:

reshctl status

View the recorded history

Resh history is saved to ~/.resh_history.json

Each line is a JSON that represents one executed command line.

This is how I view it tail -f ~/.resh_history.json | jq or jq < ~/.resh_history.json.

You can install jq using your favourite package manager or you can use other JSON parser to view the history.


Recorded metadata will be reduced to only include useful information in the future.

Data sanitization and analysis

In order to be able to develop a good history tool I will need to get some insight into real life shell and shell history usage patterns.

Running reshctl sanitize creates a sanitized version of recorded history.
In sanitized history, all sensitive information is replaced with its SHA256 hashes.

If you tried sanitizing your history and you think the result is not sanitized enough then please create an issue or message me.

If you would consider supporting my research/thesis by sending me a sanitized version of your history then please give me some contact info using this form:

Known issues

Q: I use bash on macOS and resh doesn't work

A: You have to add [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc to your ~/.bash_profile.

Long Answer: Under macOS bash shell only loads ~/.bash_profile because every shell runs as login shell. I will definitely work around this in the future but since this doesn't affect many people I decided to not solve this issue at the moment.

Issues and ideas

Please do create issues if you encounter any problems or if you have a suggestions:


You can uninstall this project at any time by running rm -rf ~/.resh/

You won't lose any recorded history by removing ~/.resh directory because history is saved in ~/.resh_history.json.