What feature would you like to see? (give details)
Soft and/or Wordwrap support.
Softwrap wraps text at the end of a line over to the next one in the Terminal.
Wordwrap does the same, but tries not to cut words in half by using spaces as a delimiter.
I imagine that by default, it would wrap at the rightmost edge of the terminal window, but could be configured to wrap at a specified amount of columns.
This would not impact the formatting of the saved file, only how it is displayed.
Line numbers would only display for "real" lines, e.g those indicated by a linebreak, and NOT for the visual linebreaks. This could be represented something like this:
# With wordwrap
1 | This is some really long text
| That does not fit onto one
| line.
2 | This is a second "real"
| line.
With icons enabled, there could possibly also be an icon representative of a linebreak instead of just blank space, like the ⏎
1 | This is some really long text
⏎ | That does not fit onto one
⏎ | line.
2 | This is a second "real"
⏎ | line.
Are there any alternatives you have considered?
Apart from continuing my search for an editor, not yet.