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Environment Setup

harisec edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 8 revisions

Flashbang needs a bit of a setup before you can run it successfully. It takes about 5 minutes to get there so don't worry:


  • node.js version 0.8+: sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • npm: sudo apt-get install npm
  • grunt-cli: npm install -g grunt-cli
  • unzip: sudo apt-get install unzip
  • Java version 1.6+ (sorry for that, use a VM maybe)
  • and, of course, git: sudo apt-get install git


  • Make sure you have the tools mentioned above installed
  • Now traverse into the shumway folder: cd shumway
  • Then run git submodule init
  • Then run make bootstrap to install necessary libs

Optional Stuff:

Additional utilities might be needed for later versions:

  • For doing Tamarin's AVM2 tests:

    sudo apt-get install mercurial
    make -C utils/ install-tamarin-src install-tamarin-tests
  • For running tests against Flex files:

    make -C utils/ install-flex-sdk