Various *nix tools built as statically-linked binaries
A modern GUI client based on Tauri, designed to run in Windows, macOS and Linux for tailored proxy experience
JingMatrix / LSPosed
Forked from LSPosed/LSPosedLSPosed Framework resuscitated
A Kernel based root solution for Android
Collection of Various Root Detection Apps for Android
一个致力于快速帮助用户配置Root环境隐藏的安装器模块的Git存储库 | A Git repository dedicated to quickly helping users configure a hidden installer module for a Root environment.
Flutter Support for integrating Magisk Detector for Android Application. Based from MagiskDetector.
KitsuneMagisk / Magisk
Forked from topjohnwu/MagiskThe Magic Mask for Android
A tool to recover a fully analyzable .ELF from a raw kernel, through extracting the kernel symbol table (kallsyms)
🔥 ByteHook is an Android PLT hook library which supports armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
Hook function calls by replacing PLT(Procedure Linkage Table) entries.