eval: unification rule doesn't hold (X & X != X) #3675
I think the underlying cause for the bad performance in #3654 is a correctness issue with the evaluator. #3672 shows a problem with evalv3 but this issue shows an independent correctness problem with the current evaluator.
What version of CUE are you using (cue version
$ cue version cue version v0.11.1 go version go1.23.4 -buildmode exe -compiler gc -trimpath true DefaultGODEBUG asynctimerchan=1,gotypesalias=0,httpservecontentkeepheaders=1,tls3des=1,tlskyber=0,x509keypairleaf=0,x509negativeserial=1 CGO_ENABLED 1 GOARCH arm64 GOOS darwin GOARM64 v8.0 cue.lang.version v0.11.1
Does this issue reproduce with the latest stable release?
What did you do?
The following testscript shows that for term X = (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText)
and some term Z the expression X & X & Z doesn't have the same value than just X & Z which violates rule 1 according to the definition for Unification in the CUE language specification (The unification of a with itself is always a.)
Both values (works2
and fails1
) should be equal but they are not:
works2: (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
fails1: (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
I know that changing the program to
--- ../correctness.txtar 2025-01-13 17:02:22.106978377 +0100
+++ ../correctness2.txtar 2025-01-13 17:13:08.510166130 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
if (IN & string) != _|_ {
- if IN.UseSectionName != _|_ {
+ if (IN & {UseSectionName:_}) != _|_ {
solves the issue. I don't know why because the surrounding definition #orgForConfigText
is only used with newly constructed values (in the list comprehension) so the accidental unification of IN
/ source
with {UseSectionName:_}
shouldn't change anything.
But the important issue is that X & X & Z != X & Z.
exec cue export out.cue -e works1
exec cue export out.cue -e works2
exec cue export out.cue -e works3
! exec cue export out.cue -e fails1
! exec cue export out.cue -e fails2
-- out.cue --
import "strings"
#ConfigText: string | {UseSectionName: true}
#ConfigTextRule: #ConfigText | {Append: #ConfigText}
#FinDefSetDefinition: {
#Alternatives: {
only: {
Only: [...#ConfigTextRule]
let xs = [for x in Only {(#orgForConfigText & {source: x}).orgSyntax}]
let str = strings.Join(xs, "\",\"")
orgSyntax: "Only [\(str)]"
#mkFinDefSet: {
#Definition!: #FinDefSetDefinition
#Type: or([for _, v in #Definition.#Alternatives {v}])
#FinDefSetOfConfigText: #mkFinDefSet.#Type
#orgForConfigText: {
IN=source: #ConfigText
orgSyntax: [
if (IN & string) != _|_ {
if IN.UseSectionName != _|_ {
works1: #FinDefSetOfConfigText & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
works2: (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
works3: (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & #FinDefSetOfConfigText & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
fails1: (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
fails2: #FinDefSetOfConfigText & (*null | #FinDefSetOfConfigText) & { Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }] }
What did you expect to see?
Failing testscript where all checks either fail or succeed.
What did you see instead?
Passing testscript showing that evaluation order matters and/or unifying a term with itself changes the meaning.