- updated readme, updated ci
- fixed collision avoidance flags
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Tomas Baca
- refactored against publisher handler
- fixed avoidance descend for slower mpc rate
- refactored agains the new transformer
- install in cmakelists
- add configs: simulation/naki
- add ScopeTimer and its logger to all trackers
- Contributors: Pavel Petracek, Tomas Baca
- added trajectory input id
- removed broken hover timer run check
- fixed race cond. stuck bug in landing
- landoff: added velocity nullifier when stopping and hovering
- fixed wiggle
- removed the in-the-air check for landing
- added brus configs
- added midair activation
- added brus simulation configs
- added destructor implementation to trackers
- adding -id to diag message
- added dofec uav config
- updated mrs_status info from mpc_tracker
- updated debug prints
- MpcTracker: updated fullstate prediction
- added t18 configs
- added check for heading update (commented)
- braking and reference filtering not applied when traj. tracking
- updated debug prints, fixed deadlock
- MpcTracker: update debug prints
- added debugging prints for state update
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Tomas Baca
- version -> 1.0.1
- MpcTracker: updated prints
- updated ros::shutdown
- linted the trackers, minor bug fixes
- removed the CsvTracker
- fixed looping with super-short trajectories
- MpcTracker: added debugging rinfo for looping
- MpcTracker: returning null when outputs are not finite
- added velocity reference, MpcTracker can do velocity cmd now
- reworking initial acceleration
- fixed constraint initialization bug
- landoff uses constraints for takeoff and landing
- MPC: not doing collision avoidance without RKT or GPS estimator
- fixed double -> bool variables
- made the flip tracker more "admittant"
- added full-state prediction publisher
- Contributors: Tomas Baca
- Major release
- Noetic-compatible
- MpcTracker: ultimate trajectory following with interpolation and proper time handling
- MpcTracker: resolved running with < 1 RTF
- MpcTracker: new min execution rate of 10 Hz
- Major refactoring and ovehaul
- c++ refactoring
- other trackers: refactoring
- Contributors: Dan Hert, Matej Petrlik, Matouš Vrba, Robert Penicka, Tomas Baca
- increased the possible takeoff height to 10 m
- Contributors: Tomas Baca
- fixed yet another min altitude bug
- sanitized avoidance srv
- updated odometry reset in mpc
- limited rwarnings of bad avoidance tfs
- updated heading activation inital condition
- fixed odometry switch bug with speed/acc scaling
- added version check
- avoidance trajectory published in utm_origin
- increased t650 takeoff speed and acceleration
- fixed constraint setting bug
- Commented out priority swapping in collision avoidance
- added rampup takeoff saturation
- fixed safety area check in loadTrajectory()
- fixed zero trajectory-length due to bumper
- fixed traj enumeration bug and looping bug
- fixed odom frame switching in Landoff and Line trackers
- fixed flying bellow zero in Z
- fixed trajectory plotting, updated min_alt
- added trackerResetStatic() method
- fixed safety area "out of area" bug
- min height for avoidance got from common_handlers
- fixed marker array warning
- fixed safety area checks, fixed des traj transforms
- updated diagnostics, fixed avoidance uav list
- avoidance trajectories, stamp = time of receiving it
- refactored trajectory loading, made it time-aware
- Added trajectory timestamp checking and interpolation of delayed trajectories
- changed the constraints message
- added check for mpc tracker callbacks if it's initialized
- trajectory topics set to latching
- added automatic velocity penalization, removed no_overshoots completely
- removed no_overshoots service, param and made it true by default * it is true by default now, except for trajectory tracking
- added heading angle interpolation
- fixed heading tracking in trajectory
- fixed last noloop trajectory point
- lowered the lowest safe height in collision avoidance
- added trajectory interpolation
- fixed wrong loading of common handlers
- added init checks to trajectory callbacks
- fixed land/eland goal-reached bug
- added checking of heading error during tracking
- fixed arena trajectory check, added marker
- generalized the transforms
- updated transformer calls
- updated to new get_mutexed()
- updated tracker interface, added bumper to mpc
- fixed the acceleration rotation in mpc odom switch
- converting references using tfs
- improved tf transformer
- added tf to trajectory setter
- removed z acceleration from activation
- added speed tracker, updated trackers interface
- removed start id from tracker trajectory
- added accelerations to mpc tracker activation
- setting accelerations during odometry reset
- namespaced local_origin
- removed PES from csv tracker
- Contributors: Andriy, Dan Hert, Matej Petrlik, Tomas Baca, Vojtech Spurny, kratkvit
- fixed disabling lateral gains in landoff
- updated mpc tracker circle saturation for trajectories
- updated collision avoidance diagnostics
- updated default wiggle parameters
- removed odometry reset from landoff tracker
- added other uav avoidance trajectories to diagnostics
- change uav_names loadint to mrs_general/uav_names.yml
- fixed the takeoff tracker switching bug
- added more hovering callback checks
- added hovering check for mpc tracker
- fixed disabled callbacks
- improved mpc_tracker diagnostics
- minor change in tracker status
- fixed hover trigger message
- fixed mutex deadlock bug in hover timer
- fixed hover timer
- t650 and f450 configs
- MpcTracker code commenting and prints
- fixed the motion saturation during takeff in landoff_tracker
- updated configs for new "hierarchy" config system
- reworking launch files
- no_overshoots for MpcTracker
- mpc's status involves whether hovering is in progress
- updated getStatus()
- added landoff diagnostics, updated horizontal hover state transition
- generalized takeoff for non-zero initial z
- made JoyBumperTracker routines work only when it is active
- fixed bug with stopping trajectory following
- fixed wiggle service client
- added wiggle to mpc tracker
- added "is_active" checks to trajectory service callbacks
- fixed use_heading during flying to trajectory start
- added avoidance status to diagnostics
- fixed tracking flag in diagnostics after initial hover
- added tilt mode to MatlabTracker
- joystic channels moved to config file
- moved mpc solver outside of mpc tracker
- Restore original joy tracker
- Add new joy bumper tracker
- added missing trackers to install in cmakelists
- fixed bugs in odom switch
- updated the mpc odometry switch to proper rotation
- fixed volocity rotation in mpc tracker
- update velocity transition in mpc tracker
- update odometry switch in mpc tracker
- Add repulsion distances as parameters in config file
- Add computation of regulation error and its difference
- Add implementation of bumper for vertical direction
- Add subscriber and callback for bumper
- Add params for joystick channels setting
- Add template for joy bumper tracker
- updated channel numbers from the logitech joystic
- Contributors: Andriy, Dan Hert, Tomas Baca, UAV41, UAV_44, Vit Kratky, Vojtech Spurny, afzal, uav42, uav61
- added avoidance rinfo
- fixed collision avoidance for RTK
- allowed activating eland in low height, unified initial conditions for landoff tracker
- disabled odomeotry reset during takeoff
- fixed csv trackers deactivation deadlock
- increased elanding speed for naki
- collision avoidance triggers only in GPS odometry mode
- Contributors: NAKI, Tomas Baca, Tomáš Báča, uav3, uav4, uav5