整理了从本科到研究生(目前)的学习内容,相关资源与研究进展,包括但不仅限于,[BS]物联网工程,[MS]计算机技术,python,mooc资源,机器学习,深度学习,cryo-em[冷冻电子显微镜],3D reconstruction[三维重建],Computational Vison。
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- 对于贡献者, 请遵守如上约定, 尊重创作者的劳动成果, 有来源的需要注明资源的来源(原创者, 网址等等).
- 对于创作者, 如果我们遗漏了你的授权(有些资源无法找到来源)或者损害了你的权益, 对此感到抱歉, 请联系协商或者删除.
As a beginner,utilize a high efficient platform for self-study is a key step for further improvement.MOOC(Massive Open Online Courses) is a good choice.
For University
For Career Promotion
Courses | University | Duration | Instructor |
计算机科学和Python编程导论 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 9 week | Eric Grimson |
Python for Everybody | University of Michigan | 7 week | Charles Severance |
程序设计入门—Java语言 | Zhejiang University | 6 week | 翁凯 |
Java语言程序设计进阶 | Zhejiang University | 7 week | 翁凯 |
程序设计入门—C语言 | Zhejiang University | 7 week | 翁凯 |
C语言程序设计进阶 | Zhejiang University | 8 week | 翁凯 |
C++面向对象程序设计 | Peking University | 9 week | 郭炜 |
C++语言程序设计 | Tsinghua University | 12 week | 郑莉 |
数据结构 | Zhejiang University | 8 week | 陈越,何钦铭 |
数据结构 | Tsinghua University | 12 week | 邓俊辉 |
算法基础 | Peking University | 10 week | 郭炜 |
Algorithms | Princeton University | 6 week | Robert Sedgewick |
操作系统 | Tsinghua University | 23 week | 向勇 |
计算机操作系统 | Nanjing University | 6 week | 骆斌 |
计算机网络概论 | 國立清華大學 | 8 week | 黄能富 |
Courses | University | Duration | Instructor |
电路原理 | Tsinghua University | 14 week | 于歆杰 |
数字电子技术 | Tsinghua University | 12 week | 王红 |
模拟电子技术 | Tsinghua University | 10 week | 华成英 |
- Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
- Python Data Structures
- Using Databases with Python
- Using Python to Access Web Data
University of Michigan that use Python:
- EECS/SI 182 - Building Applications for Information Environments
- SI 502 - Networked Computing: Storage, Communication, and Processing
- SI 539 - Design of Complex Web Sites.
Recommend Blog ----- A Full Hardware Guide to Deep Learning
Courses | University | Duration | Instructor |
人工智能实践:Tensorflow笔记 | Peking University | 8 week | 曹健 |
REVIEW-Single-particle cryo-EM—How did it get here and where will it go -Yifan Cheng
- REgularised LIkelihood OptimisatioN
- Download
- Author-Sjors Scheres
- Lab Visualising molecular machines
- the state-of-the-art platform used globally for obtaining 3D structural information from single particle cryo-EM data.
- stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
- branch-and-bound maximum likelihood optimization algorithms
- visualization and analysis of molecular structures
- A particle-filter framework for robust cryoEM 3D reconstruction
- Single-particle IMage Processing Linux Engine is a program package for cryo-EM image processing, focusing on ab initio 3D reconstruction of low-symmetry single-particles.
- Python-based Hierarchical ENvironment for Integrated Xtallography
- a software suite for the automated determination of molecular structures using X-ray crystallography and other methods.
- CVPR 2015 paper "Building Proteins in a Day" Source Code
- New tools for automated high-resolution cryo-EM structure determination in RELION-3 eLife 7:e42166, bioRxiv 421123
- "Accelerated cryo-EM structure determination with parallelisation using GPUs in RELION-2"eLife 5:e18722, bioRxiv 059717
- "RELION: Implementation of a Bayesian approach to cryo-EM structure determination" J. Struc. Biol. 180, 519-530.
- cryoSPARC: algorithms for rapid unsupervised cryo-EM structure determination Nature Methods 14, 290-296 (2017)
- A particle-filter framework for robust cryo-EM 3D reconstruction,Nature Methods volume 15, pages1083–1089 (2018)
- The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) is a research institute dedicated to the understanding of important biological processes at the levels of atoms, molecules, cells and organisms.
- Intel® PCCSB is an innovation-oriented research center hosted at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute DFCI and Harvard Medical School HMS. Laboratory for Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
- Paul D. Adams
- (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/)
- Thomas C. Terwilliger
- Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- part of the Department of Haematology in the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
- EM-course
- vedio
- relion workshop
- apply cutting-edge techniques to predict the 3D structure of a protein based solely on its genetic sequence.
Courses | university | Duration | Effort | Frequency | Prerequisites |
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition | Stanford | 12 week | 5 hours/week | self-paced | none |
Due to the future plan,i decide not to keep this track for phd.