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CIF Smrt Manpage

Wes edited this page Oct 26, 2015 · 6 revisions




cif-smrt [options]

$ cif-smrt -C /etc/cif/cif-smrt.yml
$ cif-smrt -C /etc/cif/cif-smrt.yml -p /var/run/ -D start
$ cif-smrt -r /etc/cif/rules/default -D start


cif-smrt is an application that uses the feed configuration files to download, parse and ingest data into CIF. It is typically run hourly in daemon mode hourly to consistently seek updated data sources.


    -C,  --config=FILE       specify cofiguration file, default: /etc/cif/cif-smrt.yml
    -d,  --debug             turn on debugging (max verbosity)
    -v+, --verbosity         turn up verbosity
    -h,  --help              this message
    -r, --rule=STRING       specify a rule or a rules directory, default: /etc/cif/rules/default
    -f, --feed=STRING       specify a feed (within a rule)
    -R, --remote=STRING     specify a remote to connect to, default http://localhost:5000
    -T, --token=STRING      specify a default token/apikey to use
    --not-before=STRING     specify a time to begin processing the data "[today|yesterday|X days ago]"
    --limit=INT             limit parsing to a subset of records (useful for debugging)
    --proxy                 specify a proxy address for cif-smrt to use in fetching feeds
    --https-proxy           specify a proxy for cif-smrt to use for feeds hosted on https
 Daemon Options:
    -D, --daemon            run as daemon
    -u, --user              run daemon as user, default: cif
    -g, --group             run daemon as group, default: cif
    -p, --pid               pidfile location, default: /var/run/
    --randomstart           random start delay, default: 30 min
    --interval              runtime interval, default: 60 min
    --testmode              run now, overrides randomstart
    --logfile:              logfile location, default: /var/log/cif-smrt.log
    --logging:              turn on logging [to file]
 Notification Options:
    --notify:               turn on notification, default: off.
    --notify-to:            default: root@localhost
    --notify-from:          default: cif
    --notify-subj:          default: [cif-smrt] ERROR
    --notify-level:         default: error
 Advanced Options:
    -M, --meta              apply metadata processors, default: 0
    -c, --clean             clear cache
    -P, --cache             cache location, default /var/smrt/cache


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