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CRUX-ARM ports overlay for HP Jornada 710/720/728


Native compilation to build some ports of this repository is discouraged given the limitations of this device. Instead it is preferable to use cross-compilation.

For this reason you may find some ports which the Pkgfile file contains logic for detecting native or cross compilation.

To use these ports, download the jornada7xx-arm.httpup file to /etc/ports:

$ sudo wget -P /etc/ports
$ sudo ports -u jornada7xx-arm

You may want to list it first in /etc/prt-get.conf to take advantage of ports overlay:

### prt-get conf

# note: the order matters: the package found first is used
prtdir /usr/ports/jornada7xx-arm
prtdir /usr/ports/core-arm
prtdir /usr/ports/opt-arm
prtdir /usr/ports/xorg-arm
prtdir /usr/ports/core
prtdir /usr/ports/opt
prtdir /usr/ports/xorg