- Standard : ERC20
- Name : Worldopoly
- Ticker : WPT
- Decimals : 18
- Emission : Mintable
- Crowdsales : 2
- Fiat dependency : No
- Tokens locked : Yes
Extended tokens are minted after the all stages are finished.
There is a special function to return 3rd party tokens that were sent by mistake (function retrieveTokens()).
Each stage has a direct minting function in wei. This is made to support the external payment gateways.
- Token - Token contract
- PreITO - PreITO contract
- ITO - ITO contract
- Configurator - contract with main configuration for production
To start working with contract you should follow next steps:
- Compile it in Remix with enamble optimization flag and compiler 0.4.18
- Deploy bytecode with MyEtherWallet. Gas 5100000 (actually 5073514).
- Call 'deploy' function on addres from (3). Gas 4000000 (actually 3979551).
Contract manager must call finishMinting after each crowdsale milestone! To support external mint service manager should specify address by calling setDirectMintAgent. After that specified address can direct mint tokens by calling mintTokensByETHExternal and mintTokensExternal.
To purchase tokens investor should send ETH (more than minimum 0.1 ETH) to corresponding crowdsale contract. Recommended GAS: 250000, GAS PRICE - 21 Gwei.
- MyEtherWallet - https://www.myetherwallet.com/
- Parity
- Mist/Ethereum wallet
EXODUS not support ERC20, but have way to export key into MyEtherWallet - http://support.exodus.io/article/128-how-do-i-receive-unsupported-erc20-tokens
Investor must not use other wallets, coinmarkets or stocks. Can lose money.
- Team tokens percent : 15%
- Marketing tokens percent : 5%
- Reserved tokens percent : 5%
- For sale tokens percent : 75%
- Contains airdrop support contracts
- Team tokens wallet : 0xd4Dde5011e330f8bFB246ce60d163AA5900ba71E
- Marketing tokens wallet : 0x752A9D3d59b8DFbd0798C70c59CAf4A95b5D896e
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0xae3182c9B850843773714dC5384A38116F6ec135
- Contracts manager : 0xB8A4799a4E2f10e4b30b6C6E9F762833C13eCDF4
- Token - https://etherscan.io/token/0x921a5dce3dfed5cccfbb2e593f2978533bc66110
- PreITO - https://etherscan.io/address/0xea9cbced36a092c596e9c18313536d0eefacff46
- ITO - https://etherscan.io/address/0x6dc2a5f11f602b673b0632a09d9a0456f95d241b
- Manually mint tokens by owner or sale agent at any time until token minting finished.
- Manually mint tokens in ether value by owner or sale agent at corresponding sale contract during current sale processing.
- setVestingPercent in token can lock percent of initial tokenholders balances
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.02 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 3184 Tokens
- Hardcap : 6282 ETH
- Start : 23 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Wallet : 0x28D1e6eeBf60b5eb747E2Ee7a185472Ae073Ab7e
- 10 days, bonus +20%
- 10 days, bonus +15%
- 10 days, bonus +10%
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.02 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 3184 Tokens
- Hardcap : 37 697 ETH
- Start : 25 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Period : 44 days
- Wallet : 0x029fa7ef4E852Bb53CcbafA2308eE728320A5B8d
First 20% of hardcap +5% tokens bonus
- 3 eth - 1%
- 6 eth - 1.5%
- 9 eth - 2%
- 12 eth - 2.5%
- 15 eth - 3%
- 21 eth - 4%
- 30 eth - 5%
- 48 eth - 6%
- 75 eth - 7%
- 120 eth - 8%
- 150 eth - 9%
- 225 eth - 10%
- 300 eth - 11%
- 450 eth - 12%
- 600 eth - 13%
- 900 eth - 15%
- Token - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xcb97df60e1bc485bf882bf3d8370589bbb64c91b
- PreITO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xd51c2fcc525bd782b4f7a5b241c591bce2e7e99c
- ITO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x9c5834c43b2ed54a12b798d8fcf2580102540717
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.1 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 3184 Tokens
- Hardcap : 6282 ETH
- Start : 13 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Wallet : 0x8fD94be56237EA9D854B23B78615775121Dd1E82
- 10 days, bonus +20%
- 10 days, bonus +15%
- 10 days, bonus +10%
1 ETH => 3,820.8 tokens, gas = 151318 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x1c54ed23a51f50e7025d997ba9e2fe15e291474b6f1f353a829239b12df400bd
1 ETH => 3,661.6 tokens, gas = 93545 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x6b3ce1d103ba7aa96259ed204017c932455632e94a2678b961aa50bfd53f160f
0.01 ETH => rejected txn, less then mininal investment limit, gas = 22598 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x5b84546d85738483bb8a672399d419925eff5e648b4bdeb39f6054e8cb0b6367
setStart, gas = 28042 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xcb2546a73a6073663772109713c9f6508835d6b2f61dbb83a2366ca0d043b04a
finish, gas = 30571 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x8a4d99ea2884f2c283e3dd2a9e5f3640f4cef09c2c51b1983df28542754a8c87
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.1 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 3184 Tokens
- Hardcap : 5 ETH
- Start : 13 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Period : 44 days
- Wallet : 0x8fD94be56237EA9D854B23B78615775121Dd1E82
- Team tokens wallet : 0xaa8ed6878a202eF6aFC518a64D2ccB8D73f1f2Ca
- Marketing tokens wallet : 0x24a7774d0eba02846580A214eeca955214cA776C
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0x470a2D1105EaE6aAe879623357F615Ab9cbf906E
- Team tokens percent : 15%
- Marketing tokens percent : 5%
- Reserved tokens percent : 5%
First 20% of hardcap +5% tokens bonus
- 3 eth - 1%
- 6 eth - 1.5%
- 9 eth - 2%
- 12 eth - 2.5%
- 15 eth - 3%
- 21 eth - 4%
- 30 eth - 5%
- 48 eth - 6%
- 75 eth - 7%
- 120 eth - 8%
- 150 eth - 9%
- 225 eth - 10%
- 300 eth - 11%
- 450 eth - 12%
- 600 eth - 13%
- 900 eth - 15%
1 ETH => 3,184 tokens, gas = 76845 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x8373d4821a2c5a480dd33b8d5bfe2be7b17d1f80e3d6dcff6a97eae9c1dd349c
3.1 ETH => 9,969.104 tokens, gas = 63557 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x79bcf3a597111f7119dbab8b0785a616ef22c664bd794fb236beec4146e2cd78
1 ETH => rejected txn, ITO is finished, gas = 36852 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xffcafbc5e2cd79093c4fa640611b6b0b580a60913bec61ea05204b1316074458
- finish, gas = 172365 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x641bab63bc51edf47d16762ffd130af89d21ac5c29e684b6fa04fc9575dd609b
transfer 61.6 tokens (vesting percent allows), gas = 55876 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xbc5b58589ccc979d848cf5d6dc61b372188ac6d5c95de6effcae7b91ac1e6a2f
transfer 3000 tokens (more then vesting percent allows) => rejected txn, not allowed address, gas = 26909 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xea0966ace39ca5f5f9ff44adad164cc6b672dbd473f1f7b4613270fec4aceba9
addAllowedAddress, gas = 43946 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xa3fab69aae9a648d25c4317dafb612bfdffd244abc18b288472d0dbf5b661ebe
transfer 3000 tokens (allowed address), gas = 38948 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x40b4e81cc643e82489518ed3963f9af357cb80c786b9e7fb3faea244e7546400
- Token - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x95846d4457dd079ba7ecb78ea43e420226b813a4
- PreITO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xa6b53037705e228227fa49cccf9dc8187ef74002
- ITO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xd4cda8971eb41037de00a9d8bb855f5af343919c
- ByteBallWallet - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xa654b076c4a3549bf234f4dcf278f36b2cd604a3
- finish, gas = 30571 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x17a06bea6daf859d97bd7b2caaa710cd838bbd25eacc64285fd8560c81e1d0a5
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.02 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 3184 Tokens
- Hardcap : 5 ETH
- Start : 13 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Period : 44 days
- Wallet : 0x8fD94be56237EA9D854B23B78615775121Dd1E82
- Team tokens wallet : 0xaa8ed6878a202eF6aFC518a64D2ccB8D73f1f2Ca
- Marketing tokens wallet : 0x24a7774d0eba02846580A214eeca955214cA776C
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0x470a2D1105EaE6aAe879623357F615Ab9cbf906E
- Team tokens percent : 15%
- Marketing tokens percent : 5%
- Reserved tokens percent : 5%
First 20% of hardcap +5% tokens bonus
- 3 eth - 1%
- 6 eth - 1.5%
- 9 eth - 2%
- 12 eth - 2.5%
- 15 eth - 3%
- 21 eth - 4%
- 30 eth - 5%
- 48 eth - 6%
- 75 eth - 7%
- 120 eth - 8%
- 150 eth - 9%
- 225 eth - 10%
- 300 eth - 11%
- 450 eth - 12%
- 600 eth - 13%
- 900 eth - 15%
- 1 ETH => 3,184 tokens, gas = 121867 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x21a1c801106e527706ea38671c3a53948fb53df7c1286e8cdfd30cf95136ec52
finish, gas = 258240 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xdde052625c794749e3e2be9d499905379680df6de942b49498a7a0722605d6a7
addAllowedAddress, gas = 43946 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xa361521296e53a81bded2d970d9c579f2fdfc103d8cc622d5419654ff9494c23
retreiveTokens, gas = 42268 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x3db4fbb187e5d3ea912dca2d3db1e253581d41dbb3a60198dd2c2e330e1a7fcb