A starter kit for GUI testing the Sylius showcase with Cypress and Selenium.
You can install the sylius showcase with one docker container with this repository: sylius-showcase-docker.
Recomended capture-replay extension for Cypress. Cypress Scenario Recorder
Recomended capture-replay extension for Selenium. Selenium IDE
It's neccessary to have browser firefox installed for execute the selenium scripts.
sudo apt install firefox
It's neccessary to have Nodejs and Yarn installed.
First install the dependencies:
yarn install
For execute the cypress scripts you can use the cypress interface with:
yarn cypress
You can also run an unique test file in terminal:
yarn cypress:test-file cypress/e2e/products.cy.js
And finally you can execute the suite cypress with:
yarn cypress:test-suite
For execute selenium scripts you use this following commands:
yarn selenium:test-file selenium/e2e/payments.js
And for execute all suite:
yarn selenium:test-suite