I am Software Developer and a Computer Science student at UFCG.
Currently studying and researching LLMs and AI.
I am Software Developer and a Computer Science student at UFCG.
Currently studying and researching LLMs and AI.
FlixFinder is a movie and TV series recommendation tool. Discover your next binge-worthy content based on genres, styles, decades, or your favorite references. Built using the powerful GPT-3.5 mode…
Repositório contendo as atividades desenvolvidas durante a disciplina de Verificação e Validação de Software na UFCG.
Laboratórios de programação desenvolvidos durante a disciplina de Projeto de Software no período 2021.2 pelo curso de Ciência da Computação na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.
This repository contains my solutions for the quizzes proposed during the Database Programming course at UFCG.