An (almost) dependency-free library to gracefully handle fetch requests.
Tinka can be used as a standalone requirement or better yet as a basis for fully typed API SDKs.
Clone this repository and install project dependencies.
npm install
This package is tested using karma and jasmine, which you can use via CLI or through most IDEs directly.
- on CLI execute
npm test
to run the tests.
This will also create a code coverage report at /coverage
For continuous testing use wallabyjs with our default configuration at ./wallaby.js
This project uses tslint to enforce similar code styles across source and test files. Passing tslint validation is a CI requirement. You can run and validate your code style locally.
npm run lint
lints all typescript files in the project.npm run lint-fix
to also fix most common errors automatically.
The project also comes with project based code-style settings for intelliJ-based IDEs like PhpStorm, Webstorm etc. You can safely use their auto cleanup features.
This package is automatically build and deployed using TravisCI and semantic-release. You can however test the process locally:
npm run build
compile sources into all desired formats.npm run pack
to create the final package.
Note: You'll have to edit package.json to include a version number of your choice. Don't check this in though as the version number is determined by semantic-release.