TalkAdvisor is a hexagonal architecture demo application developed with Kotlin and SpringBoot. This application recommends IT Talks recorded on YouTube given some criteria
To build TalkAdvisor, run the following command:
mvn clean install
By default the build will run the integration acceptances tests against an isolated TalkAdvisor instance using wiremock to stub external services.
To launch those tests, you need first a run a "deployed" instance of TalkAdvisor. Please refer to Running the application.
Then you can launch the end-to-end tests:
cd talkadvisor-infra/talkadvisor-infra-acceptance-tests
mvn test -De2e
In order to run TalkAdvisor in "production" mode, you need to generate a Google Api Token.
Once the token generated, you can define an environment variable named GOOGLE_API_KEY
which will be automatically taken by TalkAdvisor.
Then you'll be able to run TalkAdvisor as follow:
cd talkadvisor-infra/talkadvisor-infra-application
mvn spring-boot:run
cd talkadvisor-infra/talkadvisor-infra-application
java -jar target/talkadvisor-infra-application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You can also use: --GOOGLE_API_KEY=
in the command line if you don't want to store it in your env.
If you don't want to generate a Google Api Token, you can launch TalkAdvisor with an embedded wiremock which will stub YouTube by adding
to the command line.
You can also use the search talk domain stub with
, it will stub TalkAdvisor at the SPI level so http calls will be made and no wiremock instance will be launched.
Once TalkAdvisor is running, you can reach the documentation of the REST API with this URL
TalkAdvisor is composed of 4 different modules:
This single module holds all the business value of the application where you find its aggregate Recommendation. Maven has been configured such a way to prevent any external artifacts from being imported in the domain:
<exclude>*</exclude> <!-- forbids non domain dependencies -->
<!-- but allow kotlin dependencies-->
<!-- and commons-lang3 because we don't want to make the wheel again -->
<!-- and test dependencies-->
if any dependency is added to the pom, the build will fail if it is not allowed in this list.
All the adapters are gathered in the talkadvisor-infra modules. talkadvisor-infra is a parent pom which centralizes the common configurations of all the adapters (Spring Boot BOM,...). The infrastructure is divided in 3 modules.
The whole application resides in this module. You can find here the controllers, the YouTube Client (SPI Adapter), the REST resources (API Adapter), and the Spring Boot Application.
Holds the stubs of the external services, basically this is a wiremock-based infrastructure where have been stored some responses payloads of the request we make to YouTube. Those stubs are launched during the integration acceptance tests in order to totally isolate the CICD build of TalkAdvisor. They can also be used to run the application, see Running the application.
Integration acceptance and end to end tests of the application. They are launched at each builds against a local instance of TalkAdvisor with the external stubs. The end to end tests can also be launched against a deployed instance plugged with real calls to YouTube, see launching the end to end tests.
If you wan to learn more on the testing strategy applied in TalkAdvisor, here is the dedicated documentation.
Julien Topçu - @JulienTopcu
Jordan Nourry - @JkNourry
Juliette de Rancourt - @ju_derancourt
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