Tags: cpumanaz/PowerShellGet
Fix CommandAlreadyAvailable error for PackageManagement module. (Powe… …rShell#333) This is happening as Get-Command returns the local commands from PSModule.psm1 for the Find-Package, Install-Package and Uninstall-Package provider functions. Added check to ignore the commands from PSModule.psm1. Resolves PowerShell#329
Change default scope in Install-Module and Install-Script (PowerShell… …#315) Implements below functionality PS 3.0/4.0/5.0/5.1 : Default scope is based on the current user privileges. PS Core 6+: Default scope is always CurrentUser (it includes Windows as well). Users can still specify the -Scope parameter if they would like to install to the required scope path.
Resolve Install/Save-Module error in PSCore 6.1.0-preview.4 on WSL-Ub… …untu 18.04 OS (PowerShell#313) * - Resolved Install/Save-Module error in On WSL - Ubuntu 18.04 OS with PSCore 6.1.0-preview.4 - Removed the usage of ExcludeVersion dynamic option so that NuGet provider always downloads the packages into version appended package folder. - This unblocks the customers to use the Install-module and Save-Module cmdlets on Ubuntu 18.04 OS (WSL and Azure) with PSCore 6.1.0 release. - Updated error message in Save-Module cmdlet when the specified path is not accessible. - Added few additional verbose messages Resolves PowerShell#302 and PowerShell#309 For additional details: OneGet/oneget#320 * Added changelog for 1.6.7 release