![kotlin logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/4479d2a2c854198cb00160f8593519c14dc3b905/topics/kotlin/kotlin.png)
Former teacher turned Google SWE apprentice. Passionate about user experiences, front-end, and Android 🤖
- Decatur, GA
- in/courtlynboykin
- @courtlyncodes
Starred repositories
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
Official Android App of ListenBrainz
App that allows users to share their skin concern and be matched with a dog breed that would compliment that concern. Users can also search dog breeds and receive more information on that breed.
🛒 Grocery App, food buying and selling application made with jetpack compose, mvvm and apply clean architecture
TODO/Note App Tutorial MVVM | Room DB | Android Studio Kotlin