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hw14-subgroup-solution: +solutions to problems 1 and 3
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hengxin committed Jun 23, 2021
1 parent fa92ab6 commit 5b0d9f4
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Showing 8 changed files with 2,425 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 2021/solution/hw14-subgroup-solution/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions 2021/solution/hw14-subgroup-solution/hw-preamble.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
% hw-preamble.tex

% geometry for A4 paper
% See
textwidth=130mm, % main text block
marginparsep=5.0mm, % gutter between main text block and margin notes
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% for colors
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% predefined colors
\newcommand{\red}[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} % usage: \red{text}


% heading

% for Chinese

% for fonts

% To fix the ``MakeTextLowerCase'' bug:
% See
% Set up the spacing using fontspec features

% for url
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linkcolor = teal,
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{\bfseries 姓名:}\underline{#1}\hspace{2em}
{\bfseries 学号:}\underline{#2}\hspace{2em}\\[10pt]
{\bfseries 评分:}\underline{#3\hspace{3em}}\hspace{2em}
{\bfseries 评阅:}\underline{#4\hspace{3em}}

% Please ALWAYS Keep This.
若得到他人帮助, 请致谢。\\

% \newcommand{\goal}[1]{
% \begin{center}{\fcolorbox{blue}{yellow!60}{\parbox{0.50\textwidth}{\large
% \begin{itemize}
% \item 体会``思维的乐趣''
% \item 初步了解递归与数学归纳法
% \item 初步接触算法概念与问题下界概念
% \end{itemize}}}}
% \end{center}
% }

% Each hw consists of four parts:
\newcommand{\beginrequired}{\hspace{5em}\section{作业 (必做部分)}}
\newcommand{\beginoptional}{\section{作业 (选做部分)}}
\newcommand{\beginot}{\section{Open Topics}}

% for math
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% define theorem-like environments
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% \newcommand{\ot}{\blue{\bf [OT]}}

% for figs

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% for fig with both caption and label: #1: width/size; #2: fig file; #3: caption; #4: label
% for margin fig without caption: #1: width/size; #2: fig file
% for margin fig with caption: #1: width/size; #2: fig file; #3: caption


% for algorithms
\usepackage[]{algpseudocode} % noend
% See [Adjust the indentation whithin the algorithmicx-package when a line is broken](
\algnewcommand{\LineComment}[1]{\Statex \hskip\ALG@thistlm \(\triangleright\) #1}
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% for footnote/marginnote
% see
\node [draw, circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, font = \tiny, minimum size = 8pt] (char) {#1};

\newcommand{\score}[1]{{\bf [#1 分]}}
Binary file not shown.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions 2021/solution/hw14-subgroup-solution/hw14-subgroup-solution.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
% hw14-subgroup-solution.tex

% !TEX program = xelatex
% see
% for how to use tufte-handout
\documentclass[a4paper, justified]{tufte-handout}

\input{hw-preamble} % feel free to modify this file if you understand LaTeX well
\title{14. 群论: 子群 (14-subgroup)}
\date{2021年06月11日 发布作业 \\ 2021年06月23日 发布答案}

\begin{problem}[\score{4} $\star\star$]
$H \le G$。请证明,
aH = H \iff a \in H \iff aH \le G

\item 先证明 $aH = H \iff a \in H$
\item 先证明 $aH = H \implies a \in H$\\
假设 $aH = H$
a = ae \in aH = H.
\item 再证明 $a \in H \implies aH = H$\\
假设 $a \in H$
首先, 由于 $H \le G$ 满足封闭性, 所以 $aH \subseteq H$
其次, 对于任意 $h \in H$, 由于 $H \le G$ 满足封闭性,
所以 $a^{-1}h \in H$
h = a (a^{-1}h) \in aH.
因此, $H \subseteq aH$
\item 再证明 $a \in H \iff aH \le G$\\
\item 先证明 $a \in H \implies aH \le G$\\
根据 (1),
a \in H \implies aH = H \implies aH \le G.
\item 再证明 $aH \le G \implies a \in H$
aH \le G \implies e \in aH \implies a^{-1} \in H \implies a \in H.

\begin{problem}[\score{5 = 2 + 3} $\star\star\star$]
$\phi$ 是从群 $G$$G'$ 的同态映射。
H \le G \implies \phi(H) \le G'.
H \triangleleft G \implies \phi(H) \triangleleft G'.


\begin{problem}[\score{3} $\star\star$]
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
1 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 2
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
3 & 2 & 4 & 1 & 5

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
1 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 2
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
3 & 2 & 4 & 1 & 5
\end{pmatrix} =
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
4 & 3 & 5 & 1 & 2
= (1\; 4) (2\; 3\; 5)

\begin{problem}[\score{3} $\star\star\star$]
$G$ 是有限群, $e$$G$ 的单位元, $a \in G$
使 $a^{r} = e$ 成立的最小正整数称为 $a$ 的阶
(order)~\footnote{注意, 群的阶指的是集合 $G$ 的大小, 即 $|G|$。},
记作 $\text{ord}\; a = r$
$G$ 是有限群。请证明,
\forall a \in G.\; (\text{ord}\; a) \big\vert |G|.


\begin{problem}[\score{5 = 2 + 1 + 2} $\star\star\star$]
考虑从乘法群 $\R^{\ast} = \R \setminus \set{0}$
到乘法群 $\R^{+}$ 的函数 $f: x \mapsto |x|$
\item 请证明, $f$ 是从 $\R^{\ast}$$\R^{+}$ 的同态。
\item$\text{Ker}\; \phi$
\item 套用群同态基本定理, 给出相应结论, 并用一两句话解释该结论。


% 如果没有需要订正的题目,可以把这部分删掉

% 如果没有反馈,可以把这部分删掉

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\item 对课程及教师的建议与意见
\item 教材中不理解的内容
\item 希望深入了解的内容
\item $\cdots$

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