opened on Dec 6, 2018
Summary of Bug
No rewards are being added to pool
Steps to Reproduce
Nothing is being added to CurrentPoolRewards, and CurrentCommissionRewards when the inflation rate has been set to 10000% in genesis.json for Game of Stakes. But when set to 100,000%, it works fine.
- [Change the inflation rate to 10000% in genesis.json]
- [Start the chain and check the reward pools (CurrentPoolRewards, CurrentCommissionRewards)]
- [If inflation in genesis.json is changed back to 100000%, and see if the rewards are being added to the pools correctly]
If no rewards are being distributed to the pools at 10000 inflation, we cannot continue on with Game of Stakes as no stakes are being added to players, and on mainnet it becomes impossible to distribute rewards to validators and their delegators, causing critical loss in what could have been potential income.
For Admin Use
- Not duplicate issue
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