opened on Sep 27, 2022
When a chain halts we need to get as much information as possible and as easy as possible.
Problem Definition
Currently, the usual way to debug a chain halt is not that easy. We should provide tools and guides on how to debug and pinpoint the root cause of the most common failures.
Provide tools and guides for solving:
wrong Block.Header.LastResultsHash.
wrong Block.Header.ConsensusHash.
wrong Block.Header.AppHash.
I think those are the most common errors for chain halts (besides panics).
Some stuff that comes to mind:
- Command to obtain a specific block (inputs and results) along with hashes, txs, etc. (even when the chain is halted)
- Dump to a file info that might be helpful
- Improved iavl-viewer + detailed how-to (maybe iterate over this
- Remote debugging tools (like running iavl-viewer over http instead of having to pull the entire state?) so validators can give read-only access to chain devs if they desire to do so.