- [#3641] Remove the ability to use a Keybase from the REST API client:
have been removed from thebase_req
object- All txs that used to sign or use the Keybase now only generate the tx
routes completely removed
- [#3692] Update tx encoding and broadcasting endpoints:
- Remove duplicate broadcasting endpoints in favor of POST @
- The
field now accepts aStdTx
and not raw tx bytes
- The
- Move encoding endpoint to
- Remove duplicate broadcasting endpoints in favor of POST @
- [#3787] Fork the
module into the Gaia application with only a modified message handler, where the modified message handler behaves the same as the standardx/bank
message handler except forMsgMultiSend
that must burn exactly 9 atoms and transfer 1 atom, andMsgSend
is disabled. - [#3789] Update validator creation flow:
- Remove
and corresponding business logic - Ensure the validator address equals the delegator address during
- Remove
- #3750 Track outstanding rewards per-validator instead of globally, and fix the main simulation issue, which was that slashes of re-delegations to a validator were not correctly accounted for in fee distribution when the redelegation in question had itself been slashed (from a fault committed by a different validator) in the same BeginBlock. Outstanding rewards are now available on a per-validator basis in REST.
- [#3669] Ensure consistency in message naming, codec registration, and JSON tags.
- #3788 Change order of operations for greater accuracy when calculating delegation share token value
- #3788 DecCoins.Cap -> DecCoins.Intersect
- [#3666] Improve coins denom validation.
- [#3751] Disable (temporarily) support for ED25519 account key pairs.
- [#3804] Update to Tendermint
- #3719 DBBackend can now be set at compile time. Defaults: goleveldb. Supported: cleveldb.
- Update the
type allowing for theLogs
result to be JSON decoded automatically.
- [#3653] Prompt user confirmation prior to signing and broadcasting a transaction.
- [#3670] CLI support for showing bech32 addresses in Ledger devices
- [#3711] Update
tx sign
to use--from
instead of the deprecated--name
CLI flag. - [#3738] Improve multisig UX:
gaiacli keys show -o json
now includes constituent pubkeys, respective weights and thresholdgaiacli keys show --show-multisig
now displays constituent pubkeys, respective weights and thresholdgaiacli tx sign --validate-signatures
now displays multisig signers with their respective weights
- #3730 Improve workflow for
gaiad gentx
with offline public keys, by outputting stdtx file that needs to be signed. - #3761 Querying account related information using custom querier in auth module
- #3753 Remove no-longer-used governance penalty parameter
- #3679 Consistent operators across Coins, DecCoins, Int, Dec replaced: Minus->Sub Plus->Add Div->Quo
- [#3665] Overhaul sdk.Uint type in preparation for Coins Int -> Uint migration.
- #3691 Cleanup error messages
- #3456 Integrate in the Int.ToDec() convenience function
- [#3300] Update the spec-spec, spec file reorg, and TOC updates.
- [#3694] Push tagged docker images on docker hub when tag is created.
- [#3716] Update file permissions the client keys directory and contents to
. - #3681 Migrate ledger-cosmos-go from ZondaX to Cosmos organization
- #3819 simulation refactor, log output now stored in ~/.gaiad/simulation/
- [#3699] Upgrade to Tendermint 0.30.1
- #3731
keys add --interactive
bip32 passphrase regression fix - #3714 Fix USB raw access issues with gaiacli when installed via snap
- #3777
gaiad export
no longer panics when the database is empty - #3806 Properly return errors from a couple of struct Unmarshal functions
- #3728 Truncate decimal multiplication & division in distribution to ensure no more than the collected fees / inflation are distributed
- #3727 Return on zero-length (including []byte{}) PrefixEndBytes() calls
- #3559 fix occasional failing due to non-determinism in lcd test TestBonding where validator is unexpectedly slashed throwing off test calculations
- [#3411] Include the
in the block header init duringInitChain
. - [#3717] Update the vesting specification and implementation to cap deduction from
by at mostDelegatedVesting
. This accounts for the case where the undelegation amount may exceed the original delegation amount due to truncation of undelegation tokens. - [#3717] Ignore unknown proposers in allocating rewards for proposers, in case unbonding period was just 1 block and proposer was already deleted.
- [#3726] Cap(clip) reward to remaining coins in AllocateTokens.