Somehow tell the player how protection blocks work #45
e.g. that they don't protect chests or furnaces.
<sfan5> cornernote: why do protection blocks not protect chests?
<cornernote> protection isnt my mod
<cornernote> you can make protector chests tho
<sfan5> ._.
<cornernote> and doors too
<sfan5> maybe you should tell the player
<cornernote> meh, players are jerks, they will learn
<cornernote> lol
<sfan5> getting all my stuff stolen will not make me want to play skyblock again
<cornernote> how will i tell them ?
<sfan5> when they get the protector block reward
<sfan5> put some text somewhere
<cornernote> i use news mod on my server, and i plan to include it in the mod
<cornernote> i can put it on the news
<cornernote> (news pops up as formspec when you join)
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