We're going to demo the freshli
CLI internally as a step towards being able to schedule a demo with a client. This demo will be very prescriptive; we'll follow a pre-defined set of steps to show off how the application works.
- Write the basic script to follow for the demo (see below)
- Add acceptance test for analyzing and make sure it returns a 0 status code (Add acceptance test for QuestDB repository #315)
- Build production image and push to Docker Hub (Build production image and push to Docker Hub #316)
- Ensure Freshli Web API is deployed (Ensure Freshli Web API is deployed #317)
- Fix any bugs that might be found while during a run through of the script (such as when running the analyze command against the QuestDB project) ([EPIC] Fix any bugs that might be found while during a run through of the script #318)
- Create images to aid description of the analysis process
- Schedule demo
- Rehearse demo and record timings (how long does it take for the analysis to run?)
- Deliver demo
Demo script:
- Open a terminal window and run
docker pull corgibytes/freshli-cli:latest
. - Run
docker run --rm -it freshli-cli analyze
- Wait for the analysis to finish
- While the analysis is running, describe how the analysis process works - using images
- Open the provided URL to view the results
- Describe each of the graphs that are displayed in the web browser
Linked issues: