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Nebula Graph Studio (Studio for short) is a web-based visualization tool for Nebula Graph. With Studio, you can create a graph schema, import data, edit nGQL statements for data queries, and explore graphs in one stop.
To start Docker-based Studio for Nebula Graph v1.x or v2.x, run these commands:
Clone the
repo.git clone https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-web-docker.git
Select the proper version:
git branch | nebula version |
master | latest |
v2 | 2.0 GA |
v2-rc | 2.0-rc |
v1 | 1.x |
// when use nebula 2.0 ga
git checkout v2
Pull the docker image of Studio.
docker-compose pull
Build and start Docker-based Studio.
is specified to run the containers in the background.docker-compose up -d
If these lines return, Docker-based Studio is deployed and started.
Creating docker_importer_1 ... done Creating docker_client_1 ... done Creating docker_web_1 ... done Creating docker_nginx_1 ... done
On Chrome, enter localhost:7001
to get access to Studio. When a page as follows appears, Studio starts successfully.
- Stop Server
$ docker-compose down
package | nebula version |
nebula-graph-studio-2.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm | 2.0.1 |
nebula-graph-studio-2.1.9-1.x86_64.rpm | 2.0 GA |
nebula-graph-studio-1.2.7-2.x86_64.rpm | 1.x |
- Node.js (v10.16.0 +)
- lsof
$ sudo rpm -i nebula-graph-studio-2.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo rpm -e nebula-graph-studio-2.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
// start server by hand
$ bash /usr/local/nebula-graph-studio/scripts/start.sh
// kill server by hand
$ bash /usr/local/nebula-graph-studio/scripts/stop.sh
To connect to Nebula Graph v2.x:
- Make sure that Nebula Graph 2.x is deployed. For more information, see Deploy Nebula Graph with Docker Compose or Install Nebula Graph by compiling the source code.
NOTE: If you deployed Nebula Graph 2.0.0-alpha with Docker Compose, you must clone the nebula-docker-compose repository to update the Docker configuration.
- Connect to Nebula Graph v2.x. For more information, see Nebula Graph Studio User Guide.
To connect to Nebula Graph v1.x:
- Make sure that Nebula Graph 1.x is deployed. For more information, see Nebula Graph Manual.
- Connect to Nebula Graph v1.x. For more information, see Nebula Graph Studio User Guide.
Watch this video to learn Nebula Graph Studio in two minutes.
For more information about Studio, see:
Do a check of these documents for the latest updates to Studio:
If you have any questions about Studio, please feel free to leave your feedback on Nebula Graph Forum.
- Twitter: @NebulaGraph
- Facebook page
- LinkedIn page
- Slack channel
- email: info@vesoft.com