Simple interpreter/compiler for Pascal in Python
Evaluate: 3+4
Token: an object with a type and a value
Lexical analysis: the process of breaking the input string into tokens
Lexical analyser (lexer/scanner/tokenizer): the part of interpreter that performs lexical analysis
Evaluate: 123 + 456
Lexeme: a sequence of characters that form a token
Parsing: the process of recognizing a phrase in the stream of token
Parser: the part of interpreter that performs parsing
Evaluate: 7 - 12 + 5 -45
Syntax Diagram: a graphical representation of a programming language's syntax rules
Syntax analysis: parsing
Syntax analyser: parser
Evaluate: 7 * 4 / 2 * 3
Context-free Grammars: also known as Grammars / Backus-Naur Form/ BNF
Grammars: consists of a sequence of rules, also known as productions. Rules: consists of a non-terminal (called the head of left-hand-side of the production), a colon, and a sequence of terminals and/or non-terminals (called body or right hand side of the production)
Terminals: tokens like MUL, DIV and INTEGER
Non-terminals: variables like expr and factor
Start symbol: the non-terminal symbol on the left side of first rule
Grammar Example:
expr: factor ((MUL | DIV) factor )*
factor: INTEGER
(1) expr: body
def expr(self):
(2) (MUL | DIV)
if token.type == MUL:
elif token.type == DIV:
(3) ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
while token.type in (MUL, DIV):
Part V: Basic Arithmetic
Evaluate: 2 + 3 * 5 -8 / 2
Left associativity
Precedence of operators
(Memorize) Part VI: Arithmetic with Parenthesis - Recursion
Evaluate: 7 + 3 * (10 / (12 / (3 + 1) - 1))
using recursion
Recursive-descent parser
(Memorize) Part VII: Arithmetic with Parenthesis - AST
Evaluate: 7 + 3 * (10 / (12 / (3 + 1) - 1))
using AST
Parse tree (Concrete syntax tree)
Abstract syntax tree (AST)
Intermediate Representation (IR)
Depth-first traversal: preorder, inorder, postorder
Visitor design pattern
(End of Calculator) Part VIII: Unary operator
Evaluate: -3 + 8
Unary operator
Grammar Example: expr: term ((PLUS | MINUS) term )* term: factor ((MUL | DIV) factor )* factor: (PLUS|MINUS) factor | INTEGER | LPAREN expr RPAREN
Part IX: Sequence Code Block
number := 2;
a := number;
b := 10 * a + 10 * number / 4;
c := a - - b
x := 11;
Reserved Keywords
Symbol table