PluggedIn is a social media network that connects musicans, ensembles, and venues making it easier to network and find out about people, auditions, and gigs in your area. PluggedIn was created as a Senior Computer Science Project.
Our goal is to develop an application that makes it simple for bands and ensembles to search for gigs, venues to search for bands, and musicians to find bands offering auditions.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
PluggedIn utilizes the .NET framework for its server and database and React.js and Bootstrap for the front-end design and user interface. For this application, you will need:
- Asp .NET Core v2.1
- React.js
- Bootstrap 4
- JQuery (For some Bootstrap formatting)
It is also recommended that you have Visual Studio. Use
of other IDEs should still work, however Visual Studio
has a fair amount of built-in functionality that makes
development and deployment much easier. In addition, you may want to
have some way of minifying .css
and .js
code, however
if you choose not to, there is a simple fix in the configuration
of the _Layout.cshtml
First download and install .NET Core 2.1 here. Then, if you would like to use Visual Studio, you can download and install it here.
Next clone this repository or download the .zip
To clone our repository, execute the commands below in a PowerShell terminal.
cd \location\for\development\
git clone
If you simply downloaded the .zip
file, unzip it in the directory you
would like to use for development.
When you have the necessary files, run the setup.ps1
or execute the following from the \server\server
This script will build your environment, test the application, and run the application locally.
Automated unit testing for this repository is provided by Travis CI
An explanation about how the unit tests are run can be
found in the PluggedIn_Tests/
directory. It is
recommended that you run your unit tests locally before
pushing any changes to Github as the current implementation
of .NET is a bit sluggish.
Executing the following commands in a PowerShell terminal will run the tests for the application.
dotnet build
dotnet test PluggedIn_Tests.sln
Additionally, tests can be run in Visual Studio by going to Test > Run > All Tests
PluggedIn, being a .NET application written in Visual Studio, works really well with Azure. Other options might be available, but your mileage may vary.
Using Visual Studio you can easily deploy by:
- Make a free account with Azure
- In Powershell, navigate into the server folder
- Run the script
This will create a blank website on Azure. Eventually, this script will complete the following steps automatically, but for now:
- In .NET, in the Solution Explorer, right click the top level of the project (server), and go to Publish
- Within the wizard, connect to your Azure profile and choose to deploy to the web app created by the script
- Within the wizard, go to Configure > Settings > Databases > Entity Framework Migrations and select “Apply this migration on publish”
- Tyler Conzett - conzty01
- Thomas Twiton - ThomasTwiton
- Mason Donnohue - donnma01
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.