openedon Mar 12, 2018
/kind bug
podman load
on xz compressed files fails.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Perform a
podman load
on an xz compressed file.
Describe the results you received:
open container-feeder471485113/manifest.json: not a directory
There are two things related to this issue. The first one is that the fall-through logic in PullImage is masking the actual bug, which made debugging the issue harder. I guess we could improve the situation by being more verbose when falling through the various transports. The second one is that containers/image
currently doesn't support xz compressed images and compressed layers. @cyphar has fixed the latter with containers/image#427. I tested containers/image#427 locally with libpod by updating the vendored image library, which required just a minor tweak in the code to reflect the new tar API.
Describe the results you expected:
A successful image load.