Genetic Algorithm to solve a TSP problem involving delivering burritos by drone, with time constraints.
- Deliver 100 burritos while trying to minimise customer dis-satisfaction.
- We are given the time[] array which contains the length of time each customer has been waiting for their burrito.
- The goal is to minimize the sum of this array while delivering the burritos to the specified locations, given as longitudes and latitudes.
- The Drone moves at a constant speed.
- To calculate the distance between points on the path we can use the haversine distance formula for calculating distances along great circles.
- Generate random paths
- calculate the customer dis-satifaction for each path and track the fitness of a path.
- implement genetic algorithm which uses crossover & mutation to combine paths without repetition of locations.
- new populations will be bred from the old population with the fitness playing a role in the probability of a path being chosen.
- New populations should have improved fitness.
- Locations are labelled 1-100