A simple wellness tracker in Java for a personal project.
Currently implemented:
Menu system. Prompts user to select a 'module', which ask the user a question. User gives their rating, then basic feedback is offered. Feedback is saved against the current date in a text file, saved to the user's desktop
Current feature plans:
- Ask user a series of questions
- User input for answers
- Store users answers in a text file
Should Have:
- Menu system so users can select their category
- Structured storage for user answers- maybe a JSON for example?
- Store data per-day (e.g. use a date format rather than just a number for each 'entry')
Could have:
- Feedback on daily changes (i.e improvements in response for a category)
- Simple graphs/charts
- Keep comments/short notes in a days entry
Won't have:
Database connection (probably a bit too extreme at the moment to learn SQL as well!)