I have an application which is used to retrieve trades, portfolios and product definitions from a third party system. Generally everything works fine, except that sometimes I receive a ‘bad’ message and the QuickFix library logs out the session:
Session FIX.4.4:A->B disconnecting: QuickFix.GroupDelimiterTagException: Group 146's first entry does not start with delimiter 55
at QuickFix.Message.SetGroup(StringField grpNoFld, String msgstr, Int32 pos, FieldMap fieldMap, IGroupSpec dd, DataDictionary sessionDataDictionary, DataDictionary appDD, IMessageFactory msgFactory)
at QuickFix.Message.FromString(String msgstr, Boolean validate, DataDictionary sessionDD, DataDictionary appDD, IMessageFactory msgFactory)
at QuickFix.Session.Next(String msgStr)
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.ProcessStream()
at QuickFix.SocketInitiatorThread.Read()
I would expect it to send a “Reject” to the server, but it just logs out