⭐ Added
Added numeric preference attributes to the account domain model.
Integrated rules engine.
Added a new general method for time zone verification.
Added account balance field.
Added interface to delete characters based on code.
Added a new interface for querying permissions based on code.
Added a new interface for downloading content with all permissions.
Added file download tool class.
Added a new interface to delete permissions based on code.
Added snowflake algorithm ID generator.
Added custom ObservationPredicate.
Added cache level enumeration class.
Added personalized signature and nickname attributes to the account.
Added description field to permission role.
Added custom AccessDeniedHandler.
Added grpc interface for querying roles based on ID.
Added blood relationship for characters.
🕸️ Changed
Long integers are serialized into strings to prevent loss of precision.
Standard modification of class name.
Optimize inheritance relationship.
Optimize grpc interface.
protobuf upgraded to 4.29.1.
flyway upgraded to 11.0.1.
Optimize the file service upload interface.
Optimize the file service download interface.
The default translation for internationalization is changed to English.
Modify LanguageEnum according to ISO 639-1 standard.
Optimize dependencies.
Simplified package name.
SpringCloud is upgraded to 2024.0.0.
The service port and grpc port are modified to random available ports.
io.minio:minio upgraded to 8.5.14.
grpc upgraded to 1.68.2.
org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui upgraded to 2.7.0.
Streamline the custom key name in claim.
Modify the lombok plug-in version reference method.
The kotlin version is upgraded to 2.1.0.
Optimize strings with text blocks.
Optimize consul configuration.
The grpc spring boot framework is replaced with net.devh.
io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta upgraded to 2.2.26.
SpringBoot is upgraded to 3.4.0.
org.jobrunr:jobrunr-spring-boot-3-starter upgraded to 7.3.2.
commons-io: commons-io is upgraded to 2.18.0.
Modify the verification logic of TokenGatewayImpl#validity method.
Reorganize token caching and verification logic.
Gradle upgraded to 8.11.1.
Optimize the scope of token permissions.
🐞 Fixed
Fixed the problem that the authorization code mode is not available.
You can’t perform that action at this time.