⭐ Added
Add pr badge.
Added internationalization information.
Add Contributors.
Add label action.
Add Greetings action.
Add detailed exception information printing.
grpc method permissions increase configuration file configuration method.
Added new interface to obtain current server time.
Added QR code related functions.
Added barcode related functions.
Added annotation processor to implement class description information generation function.
Added Application-Version to the jar task manifest.
springboot bootJar task adds signature.
Springboot bootJar task adds license file packaging.
Added archived basic attributes.
New trigger for archive table.
Text subscription messages have a new function of restoring messages from archives based on ID.
Added permissions for archiving and restoring from archives.
Permission addition, deletion and modification are compatible with archiving logic.
Added archiving and restoring functions to roles.
Added new archiving and recovery functions for accounts.
Added slack badge.
🐞 Fixed
Fix permission verification exception.
🕸️ Changed
Modify slow sql table format.
Modify slow sql statistics threshold.
Optimize non-empty filtering logic.
Block sensitive information in logs.
Unified permission verification logic.
Change icon.
Gradle version upgraded to 8.10.
Update message service database trigger functions and triggers.
The springboot version is upgraded to 3.3.3.
Kotlin version upgraded to 2.0.20.
flyway version upgraded to 10.17.2.
redis-om-spring version upgraded to 0.9.5.
mapstruct version upgraded to 1.6.0.
The guava version is upgraded to 33.3.0-jre.
minio version upgraded to 8.5.12.
⚠️ Removed
Exclude tomcat globally.
Message service message status delete archived attribute.
You can’t perform that action at this time.