Welcome to the example CorDapp. This README is an abridged version of the CorDapp tutorial found on the Corda docsite.
Instead, if you are interested in exploring the Corda codebase itself, contributing to the core Corda platform or viewing and running sample demos then clone the corda repository.
The code in the CorDapp tutorial implements the "Hello World" of CorDapps. It allows users of a Corda node to generate and send IOUs to other nodes. You can also enumerate all the IOU which have been agreed with other nodes. The nodes also provide a simple web interface which can be used to interact with the CorDapp.
The source code for this CorDapp is provided in both Kotlin (under /kotlin
and Java (under /java
), and users can choose to write their CorDapps in
either language.
The Example CorDapp implements a basic scenario where a buyer wishes to submit IOUs to a seller. The scenario defines four nodes:
- Controller which hosts the network map service and validating notary service.
- NodeA who is the buyer.
- NodeB who is the seller.
- NodeC an unrelated third party.
NodeA can generate IOUs. The flows used to facilitate the agreement process
always result in an agreement with the seller as long as the IOU meets the
contract constraints which are defined in IOUContract.kt
All agreed IOUs between NodeA and NodeB become "shared facts"
between NodeA and NodeB. However, NodeC won't see any of these
transactions or receive copies of the resulting IOUState
objects. This is because data is only propagated on a need-to-know
You can generate a diagram of this flow using Gradle, by running:
./gradlew generateFlowDiagram
gradlew.bat generateFlowDiagram
The resulting flow diagram will be placed under kotlin-source/build/doc
You will need the following installed on your machine before you can start:
- JDK 8 installed and available on your path.
- Latest version of IntelliJ IDEA (note the community edition is free)
- h2 web console (download the "platform-independent zip")
- git
For more detailed information, see the getting set up page on the Corda docsite.
To get started, clone this repository with:
git clone https://github.com/corda/cordapp-tutorial.git
Change directories to the newly cloned repo:
cd cordapp-tutorial
Check out the latest milestone release (currently release-M8.2
git checkout release-M8.2
Non-milestone releases are development branches, and can be unstable or even broken. You should develop against a milestone release.
NOTE: Building the example CorDapp from master WILL fail without
first running /gradlew install
(or gradlew.bat install
) from the master
branch of the corda repository. Make sure
you have checked out the M8.2 release tag from this repository before you build,
UNLESS you wish to build from a SNAPSHOT release.
./gradlew deployNodes
gradlew.bat deployNodes
This will build the example CorDapp. Any changes you wish to make to the CorDapp should be made before running this build step, of course!
Gradle will grab all the dependencies for you from Maven and then build two sample applications and create several local Corda nodes.
Once the build concludes, change directories to the folder where the newly built nodes are located:
cd kotlin/build/nodes
cd java/build/nodes
The Gradle build script will have created a folder for each node. You'll
see three folders, one for each node and a runnodes
script. You can
run the nodes with:
sh runnodes
You should now have four Corda nodes running on your machine serving the example CorDapp.
When the nodes have booted up you should see a message like:
Node started up and registered in 5.007 sec
in the console.
For a much more detailed description of building and running the Example CorDapp see the Cordapp tutorial on the Corda docsite.
The CorDapp defines a couple of HTTP API end-points and also serves some static web content. The end-points allow you to list agreements and add agreements.
The nodes can be found using the following port numbers, defined in
and the respective node.conf
file for each node found
in kotlin/build/nodes/NodeX
or java/build/nodes/NodeX
NodeA: localhost:10005
NodeB: localhost:10007
NodeC: localhost:10009
Also, as the nodes start-up they should tell you which host and port the embedded web server is running on. The API endpoints served are as follows:
The static web content is served from:
An IOU can be created via accessing the
end-point directly or through the the web form
hosted at /web/example
NOTE: The content in web/example
is only available for demonstration
purposes and does not implement any anti-XSS/XSRF security techniques. Do
not copy such code directly into products meant for production use.
Submitting an IOU via HTTP API:
To create an IOU from NodeA to NodeB, use:
echo '{"value": "1"}' | cURL -T - -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:10005/api/example/NodeB/create-iou
note the port number 10005
(NodeA) and NodeB
referenced in the
end-point path. This command instructs NodeA to create and send an order
to NodeB. Upon verification and completion of the process, both nodes
(but not NodeC) will have a signed, notarised copy of the IOU.
Submitting an IOU via web/example
Click the "Create IOU" button at the top left of the page and enter the IOU details, e.g.
Counter-party: Node B
Value: 1
and click "Create IOU". The modal dialogue should close.
To check what validation is performed on the IOU data, have a look
at the Place
class in IOUContract.kt
. For example, Entering a
'Country Code' other than 'UK' will cause the verify function to return an
Exception and you should rceeive an error message in response.
Viewing the submitted IOU:
Inspect the terminal for the nodes. You should see some activity in the terminal windows for NodeA and NodeB:
Generating transaction based on new IOU.
Verifying contract constraints.
Signing transaction with our private key.
Sending proposed transaction to recipient for review.
Receiving proposed transaction from sender.
Verifying signatures and contract constraints.
Signing proposed transaction with our private key.
Obtaining notary signature and recording transaction.
You shouldn't see any activity.
Alternatively, try adding an IOU with a delivery date in the past or a delivery country other than the UK.
Next you can view the newly created IOU by accessing the vault of NodeA or NodeB:
Via the HTTP API:
For NodeA. navigate to
. For NodeB,
navigate to http://localhost:10007/api/example/ious
Via web/example:
Navigate to http://localhost:10005/web/example/
and click the refresh
button at the top left-hand side of the page. You should see the newly
created IOU on the page.
You can connect to the h2 database to see the current state of the ledger, among other data such as the network map cache.
Firstly, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the h2 web console as part of the pre-requisites section, above.
Change directories to the bin folder:
cd h2/bin
Where there are a bunch of shell scripts and batch files. Run the web console:
sh h2.sh
The h2 web console should start up in a web browser tab. To connect we first need to obtain a JDBC connection string. Each node outputs its connection string in the terminal window as it starts up. In a terminal window where a node is running, look for the following string:
Database connection url is : jdbc:h2:tcp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx/node
you can use the string on the right to connect to the h2 database: just
paste it in to the JDBC URL
field and click Connect.
You will be presented with a web application that enumerates all the available tables and provides an interface for you to query them using SQL.
The ExampleClientRPC.kt
file is a simple utility which uses the client
RPC library to connect to a node and log the 'placed' IOUs.
It will log any existing IOUs and listen for any future
IOUs. To build the client use the following gradle task:
./gradlew runExampleClientRPC
To run the client:
Via IntelliJ:
Select the 'Run Example RPC Client' run configuration which, by default, connects to NodeA (Artemis port 10004). Click the Green Arrow to run the client.
Via the command line:
Run the following gradle task:
./gradlew runExampleClientRPC
The RPC client should output some IOUs to the console.
The nodes can also be set up to communicate between separate machines on the same subnet.
After deploying the nodes, navigate to the build folder (kotlin/build/ nodes
or java/build/nodes
) and move some of the individual node folders to
separate machines on the same subnet (e.g. using a USB key). It is important
that no nodes - including the controller node - end up on more than one
machine. Each computer should also have a copy of runnodes
For example, you may end up with the following layout:
- Machine 1:
- Machine 2:
You must now edit the configuration file for each node, including the
controller. Open each node's config file ([nodeName]/node.conf
), and make
the following changes:
- Change the artemis address to the machine's ip address (e.g.
) - Change the network map address to the ip address of the machine where the
controller node is running (e.g.
) (please note that the controller will not have a network map address)
Each machine should now run its nodes using runnodes
or runnodes.bat
files. Once they are up and running, the nodes should be able to place
IOUs among themselves in the same way as when they were running on
the same machine.
Tutorials and developer docs for CorDapps and Corda are here.