Releases: conekta/openapi
Releases · conekta/openapi
What's Changed
- Disabled uname php by @fcarrero in #53
- [Hotfix][Webhook] Change subscribed_events to events in update request by @nicocedron in #54
- Pay22 2060 modificar sdk php para soportar fiscal entity by @fcarrero in #55
Full Changelog: 2023080...2023101
What's Changed
- [DRE-88] change org-json version by @ezerozen in #41
- [DRE-88] Change artifactVersion by @ezerozen in #43
- Adds new charge type and contract id fields by @leofischer in #42
- [DRE-88] Fix pom maven deploy by @ezerozen in #44
- Actualizando la documentación de API Keys en la versión 2.1.0 by @jalonsoDevConekta in #45
- Dre 73 config openapi node by @fcarrero in #19
- Update go sdk by @ezerozen in #50
- Add gpg sign to java pom by @ezerozen in #51
- Fix ssl path and phpunit by @ezerozen in #52
Full Changelog: 2023061...2023080
What's Changed
- DRE-81 update query string parameter by @fcarrero in #23
- Api 158/add endpoints webhooks doc by @MaritzaGarc in #22
- [API-221] Adding public_key in webhook_keys endpoint by @jalonsoDevConekta in #24
- [API-193] - add endpoints api keys by @MaritzaGarc in #25
- Add mocks by @ezerozen in #26
- Feature/api 158 api keys mocks by @ezerozen in #27
- release dotnet 6.0.4 by @fcarrero in #28
- Fix mock and add order refund cancel mock by @ezerozen in #29
- Update java config, change Makefile by @ezerozen in #30
- Add hideGenerationTimestamp=true by @ezerozen in #31
- [DRE-94] Config python by @ezerozen in #32
- [DRE-94] Change contact name by @ezerozen in #33
- [DRE-94] Config python by @ezerozen in #35
- DRE-95 config php by @fcarrero in #36
- fix python config by @fcarrero in #37
- [DRE-94] Change config for publisher by @ezerozen in #38
- [DRE-88] Changes for upgrade OpenApi - Java by @ezerozen in #39
- [DRE-88] Fix pom by @ezerozen in #40
New Contributors
- @MaritzaGarc made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: v6.0.3...2023061