ABI break between clang 17 & 18 causing linkage errors with abseil #87
The change from clang 17 to clang 18 seems to have cause an ABI break w.r.t. symbol mangling, causing failures of the following kind when different builds are mixed
yld[23066]: Symbol not found: __ZN4absl12lts_2024072212log_internal10LogMessagelsIiLi0EEERS2_RKT_
Referenced from: <7DD6F527-7A4A-3649-87B6-D68B25F8B594> /Users/runner/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libprotobuf.28.2.0.dylib
Expected in: <D623F952-8116-35EC-859D-F7F8D5DD7699> /Users/runner/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libabsl_log_internal_message.2407.0.0.dylib
Subprocess aborted
To fix this, I had added #86, but this has just moved the problem further down the stack. We've rebuilt
- MNT: rerender re2-feedstock#87
- MNT: rerender libprotobuf-feedstock#244
- MNT: rerender grpc-cpp-feedstock#387
so far, but it appears from post-merge comments in #86 that also other places like arrow are affected.
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