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Selenium tests of Lab Framework and Lab Interactives Site



  1. Install imagemagick:

    Mac with homebrew available:

    brew install imagemagick@6

    If rmagic gem can't be installed, you might also need to run:

    brew link --force imagemagick@6


    sudo apt-get install imagemagick
  2. Clone the lab-selenium-tests git repository to your computer:

    git clone
  3. Go to the folder where you cloned the repository and run the following command to install dependencies:

    bundle install



test.rb lets you start screenshot generation on desired platform.

test.rb -h shows description and available options:

Usage: test.rb [options]

Specific options:
    -b, --browser BROWSER            Browser that should be tested (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, IE11, iPad, Android),
                                     default Chrome.
    -p, --platform PLATFORM          Platform (OS) that should be tested (OSX_10_8, OSX_10_9, Win_7, Win_8, Win_8_1, Linux),
                                     by default platform is chosen automatically (each browser has related default platform).
                                     Note that enforcing platform can cause an error, as not every browser and platform
                                     combination is supported by SauceLabs and BrowserStack.
    -l, --lab LAB_ENVIRONMENT        Lab environment (production, staging or dev), default dev (via interactives-to-test default).
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Test / cloud environment (SauceLabs, BrowserStack or local), default SauceLabs.
    -n, --name NAME                  Test name, by default created automatically.
    -a, --attempts MAX_ATTEMPTS      Maximum number of attempts to accomplish the test in case of errors, default 25.


./test.rb -b Chrome starts Chrome tests on SauceLabs.

./test.rb -b Firefox -c BrowserStack starts Firefox tests on BrowserStack.

./test.rb -b Safari -l production starts Safari tests using production release of Lab.

./test.rb -b Firefox -p OS_X_10_9 starts Firefox tests on OSX 10.9 (note that screenshots comparison results may be affected as reference screenshots are taken on default platform for given browser!).

Results are always saved to screenshots/test_<test_name> folder. Also screenshots/index.html page should present new entry.


rm-old-tests.rb lets you remove old tests.

rm-old-tests.rb COUNT removes first COUNT tests results (screenshots/test_<test_name>) and updates screenshots/index.html page.

interactives-to-test.default.yaml and interactives-to-test.yaml

This file specifies which interactives should be tested. Open it to see comments and available possibilities.

If you need to provide custom configuration but you don't want to update default one, you can specify it in interactives-to-test.yaml file (no default segment). It's ignored by Git and takes precedence over interactives-to-test.default.yaml configuration.

Interactive-specific tests

They should be placed in interactive-test directory. Name of the test script should correspond to interactive JSON file path with following changes:

  1. All / should be replaced by _.
  2. File extension should be .rb instead of .json.

E.g. to create custom test of:


its name should be:


Custom test scripts are executed when the interactive is already loaded and fully rendered. They have access to TestAPI instance available via global variable $test.

Please open its source to see what it offers. There are two key things:

  • $test.driver is a Selenium Webdriver instance that lets you control the browser.
  • $test.save_screenshot saves screenshot and includes it as part of the test results HTML page (e.g. automatically picks correct filename and location, executes image comparison algorithm and does many other useful tasks). Screenshots saved by $test.driver.save_screenshot won't be visible on the test results page.

The existing tests are good reference and a starting point.

lab-selenium-tests is installed on server. You can run tests there if you can log as deploy user:

cd /var/www/lab-selenium-tests

The tests currently run under whatever environment is set in the not-checked-in interactives-to-test.yaml file.

Test results:

To check the existing chron jobs: crontab -u deploy -l

To edit them: crontab -e


Selenium tests of Lab Framework and Lab Interactives Site







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Contributors 4
