concision Public
Personalized GitHub profile README
mobius-team-matchmaking Public
A competitive team-matchmaking algorithm for the melee game Mobius that utilizes genetic programming to optimize for balanced team matchup schedules.
predicting-yelp-ratings Public
A Tensorflow model predicting Yelp business' star rating based off solely the text of user reviews.
unpacker-toolchain Public
A developer toolchain for extracting internal data from an unnamed game's internal files.
docker-windscribe-socks-server Public archive
Containerizes a SOCKS5 proxy server with traffic tunneled through Windscribe's VPN service
esm-loader-chaining-polyfill Public archive
A Node.js polyfill of @devsnek's "esm: loader chaining" proposal for chaining several cooperative experimental EcmaScript module loaders.
kdd-cup-1999-model Public
A Tensorflow model to detect network intrusions in the KDD Cup 1999 data-set.
snowpack-plugin-acorn-injection Public archive
Snowpack plugin to inject Acorn plugins into Rollup's internal configuration.
n-queens Public
Solving the n-queens chessboard problem using DEAP evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming.
docker-base-image-swapper Public archive
A CLI tool to swap out the base image of an already-existing built Docker image. Prompted by a curious StackOverflow post.
atrocious-algorithms Public archive
A collection of absurd, convoluted, and rather impractical algorithms.
us-geopolitical-map-visualization Public archive
A U.S. geopolitical party map visualization built using D3.