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Remove support for installing GHCJS (fixes #4086)
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snoyberg committed Apr 16, 2019
1 parent 1c3245f commit c94b040
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Showing 4 changed files with 17 additions and 287 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ Major changes:
the newer GHC build system), hence `compiler` can be set to use a GHC
built from source with `ghc-git-COMMIT-FLAVOUR`

* Remove support for building GHCJS itself. Future releases of Stack
may remove GHCJS support entirely.

Behavior changes:
* `stack.yaml` now supports `snapshot`: a synonym for `resolver`. See [#4256](

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,9 @@ information.
### Subsystem maintainers

* GHCJS - [Matchwood](

NOTE: GHCJS support is considered experimental. In Stack 2.0, we are
removing support for building GHCJS itself; links will be added to
this README for information on separate tools. Issues on GHCJS may be
closed as not supported, and the next major Stack release may remove
GHCJS support entirely.
284 changes: 7 additions & 277 deletions src/Stack/Setup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,10 +15,8 @@ module Stack.Setup
( setupEnv
, ensureCompilerAndMsys
, ensureDockerStackExe
, getCabalInstallVersion
, SetupOpts (..)
, defaultSetupInfoYaml
, removeHaskellEnvVars
, withNewLocalBuildTargets

-- * Stack binary download
Expand All @@ -38,7 +36,6 @@ import "cryptonite" Crypto.Hash (SHA1(..), SHA256(..))
import Data.Aeson.Extended
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Data.Conduit.Lazy (lazyConsume)
import Data.Conduit.Lift (evalStateC)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,11 +72,9 @@ import qualified RIO
import RIO.List
import RIO.PrettyPrint
import RIO.Process
import Stack.Build (build)
import Stack.Build.Haddock (shouldHaddockDeps)
import Stack.Build.Source (loadSourceMap, hashSourceMapData)
import Stack.Build.Target (NeedTargets(..), parseTargets)
import Stack.Config (loadConfig, loadBuildConfig)
import Stack.Constants
import Stack.Constants.Config (distRelativeDir)
import Stack.GhcPkg (createDatabase, getGlobalDB, mkGhcPackagePath, ghcPkgPathEnvVar)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +144,7 @@ data SetupException = UnsupportedSetupCombo OS Arch
| DockerStackExeNotFound Version Text
| UnsupportedSetupConfiguration
| InvalidGhcAt (Path Abs File) SomeException
| NoLongerBuildGhcjs
deriving Typeable
instance Exception SetupException
instance Show SetupException where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +200,8 @@ instance Show SetupException where
"I don't know how to install GHC on your system configuration, please install manually"
show (InvalidGhcAt compiler e) =
"Found an invalid compiler at " ++ show (toFilePath compiler) ++ ": " ++ displayException e
show NoLongerBuildGhcjs =
"Since Stack 2.0, Stack does not support building GHCJS itself"

-- | Modify the environment variables (like PATH) appropriately, possibly doing installation too
setupEnv :: NeedTargets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +568,7 @@ installGhcBindist sopts getSetupInfo' installed = do
forM ghcBuilds $ \ghcBuild -> do
ghcPkgName <- parsePackageNameThrowing ("ghc" ++ ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant ++ compilerBuildSuffix ghcBuild)
return (getInstalledTool installed ghcPkgName (isWanted . ACGhc), ghcBuild)
Ghcjs -> return [(getInstalledGhcjs installed isWanted, CompilerBuildStandard)]
Ghcjs -> return []
let existingCompilers = concatMap
(\(installedCompiler, compilerBuild) ->
case (installedCompiler, soptsForceReinstall sopts) of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ ensureSandboxedCompiler
-> RIO env (CompilerPaths, ExtraDirs)
ensureSandboxedCompiler sopts getSetupInfo' = do
let wanted = soptsWantedCompiler sopts
(compilerBuild, mcompiler, isSandboxed, paths, mcompilerTool) <- do
(compilerBuild, mcompiler, isSandboxed, paths) <- do
-- List installed tools
config <- view configL
let localPrograms = configLocalPrograms config
Expand All @@ -673,7 +671,7 @@ ensureSandboxedCompiler sopts getSetupInfo' = do
WCGhcGit commitId flavour -> buildGhcFromSource getSetupInfo' installed (configCompilerRepository config) commitId flavour
_ -> installGhcBindist sopts getSetupInfo' installed
paths <- extraDirs compilerTool
pure (compilerBuild, Nothing, True, paths, Just compilerTool)
pure (compilerBuild, Nothing, True, paths)

let wc = whichCompiler $ wantedToActual wanted
compiler <-
Expand All @@ -685,12 +683,6 @@ ensureSandboxedCompiler sopts getSetupInfo' = do
$ augmentPathMap (toFilePath <$> edBins paths) (view envVarsL menv0)
menv <- mkProcessContext (removeHaskellEnvVars m)

case mcompilerTool of
Just (ToolGhcjs cv) ->
withProcessContext menv $
ensureGhcjsBooted cv (soptsInstallIfMissing sopts) (soptsGHCJSBootOpts sopts)
_ -> pure ()

let names =
case wanted of
WCGhc version -> ["ghc-" ++ versionString version, "ghc"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1123,18 +1115,6 @@ getInstalledTool installed name goodVersion =
else Nothing
goodPackage _ = Nothing

getInstalledGhcjs :: [Tool]
-> (ActualCompiler -> Bool)
-> Maybe Tool
getInstalledGhcjs installed goodVersion =
if null available
then Nothing
else Just $ ToolGhcjs $ maximum available
available = mapMaybe goodPackage installed
goodPackage (ToolGhcjs cv) = if goodVersion cv then Just cv else Nothing
goodPackage _ = Nothing

downloadAndInstallTool :: HasTerm env
=> Path Abs Dir
-> DownloadInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1202,19 +1182,7 @@ downloadAndInstallCompiler ghcBuild si wanted@WCGhc{} versionCheck mbindistURL =
let tool = Tool $ PackageIdentifier ghcPkgName selectedVersion
downloadAndInstallTool (configLocalPrograms config) (gdiDownloadInfo downloadInfo) tool (installer si)

downloadAndInstallCompiler compilerBuild si wanted@WCGhcjs{} versionCheck _mbindistUrl = do
config <- view configL
ghcVariant <- view ghcVariantL
case (ghcVariant, compilerBuild) of
(GHCStandard, CompilerBuildStandard) -> return ()
_ -> throwM GHCJSRequiresStandardVariant
(selectedVersion, downloadInfo) <- case Map.lookup "source" $ siGHCJSs si of
Nothing -> throwM $ UnknownOSKey "source"
Just pairs_ -> getWantedCompilerInfo "source" versionCheck wanted id pairs_
logInfo "Preparing to install GHCJS to an isolated location."
logInfo "This will not interfere with any system-level installation."
let tool = ToolGhcjs selectedVersion
downloadAndInstallTool (configLocalPrograms config) downloadInfo tool (installGHCJS si)
downloadAndInstallCompiler _ _ WCGhcjs{} _ _ = throwIO NoLongerBuildGhcjs

downloadAndInstallCompiler _ _ WCGhcGit{} _ _ =
error "downloadAndInstallCompiler: shouldn't be reached with ghc-git"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1446,244 +1414,6 @@ installGHCPosix mversion downloadInfo _ archiveFile archiveType tempDir destDir
logStickyDone $ "Installed GHC."
logDebug $ "GHC installed to " <> fromString (toFilePath destDir)

installGHCJS :: HasConfig env
=> SetupInfo
-> Path Abs File
-> ArchiveType
-> Path Abs Dir
-> Path Abs Dir
-> RIO env ()
installGHCJS si archiveFile archiveType _tempDir destDir = do
platform <- view platformL
menv0 <- view processContextL
-- This ensures that locking is disabled for the invocations of
-- stack below.
let removeLockVar = Map.delete "STACK_LOCK"
menv <- mkProcessContext (removeLockVar (removeHaskellEnvVars (view envVarsL menv0)))
logDebug $ "menv = " <> displayShow (view envVarsL menv)

-- NOTE: this is a bit of a hack - instead of using the temp
-- directory, leave the unpacked source tarball in the destination
-- directory. This way, the absolute paths in the wrapper scripts
-- will point to executables that exist in
-- src/.stack-work/install/... - see
-- This is also used by 'ensureGhcjsBooted', because it can use the
-- environment of the stack.yaml which came with ghcjs, in order to
-- install cabal-install. This lets us also fix the version of
-- cabal-install used.
let unpackDir = destDir </> relDirSrc
runUnpack <- case platform of
Platform _ Cabal.Windows -> return $
withUnpackedTarball7z "GHCJS" si archiveFile archiveType Nothing unpackDir
_ -> do
zipTool' <-
case archiveType of
TarXz -> return "xz"
TarBz2 -> return "bzip2"
TarGz -> return "gzip"
SevenZ -> throwString "Don't know how to deal with .7z files on non-Windows"
(zipTool, tarTool) <- checkDependencies $ (,)
<$> checkDependency zipTool'
<*> checkDependency "tar"
logDebug $ "ziptool: " <> fromString zipTool
logDebug $ "tar: " <> fromString tarTool
return $ do
liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur destDir)
liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur unpackDir)
withProcessContext menv $ withWorkingDir (toFilePath destDir) $ readProcessNull tarTool ["xf", toFilePath archiveFile]
innerDir <- expectSingleUnpackedDir archiveFile destDir
renameDir innerDir unpackDir

logSticky $
"Unpacking GHCJS into " <>
fromString (toFilePath unpackDir) <>
" ..."
logDebug $ "Unpacking " <> fromString (toFilePath archiveFile)

logSticky "Setting up GHCJS build environment"
let stackYaml = unpackDir </> stackDotYaml
destBinDir = destDir </> relDirBin
ensureDir destBinDir
loadGhcjsEnvConfig stackYaml destBinDir $ \envConfig' -> do

-- On windows we need to copy options files out of the install dir. Argh!
-- This is done before the build, so that if it fails, things fail
-- earlier.
mwindowsInstallDir <- case platform of
Platform _ Cabal.Windows ->
liftM Just $ runRIO envConfig' installationRootLocal
_ -> return Nothing

logSticky "Installing GHCJS (this will take a long time) ..."
buildInGhcjsEnv envConfig'
-- Copy over *.options files needed on windows.
forM_ mwindowsInstallDir $ \dir -> do
(_, files) <- listDir (dir </> relDirBin)
forM_ (filter ((".options" `isSuffixOf`). toFilePath) files) $ \optionsFile -> do
let dest = destDir </> relDirBin </> filename optionsFile
liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeFile dest)
copyFile optionsFile dest
logStickyDone "Installed GHCJS."

ensureGhcjsBooted :: HasConfig env
=> ActualCompiler -> Bool -> [String]
-> RIO env ()
ensureGhcjsBooted cv shouldBoot bootOpts = do
eres <- try $ sinkProcessStdout "ghcjs" [] (return ())
case eres of
Right () -> return ()
Left ece | "no input files" `S.isInfixOf` LBS.toStrict (eceStderr ece) ->
return ()
Left ece | "ghcjs_boot.completed" `S.isInfixOf` LBS.toStrict (eceStderr ece) ->
if not shouldBoot then throwM GHCJSNotBooted else do
config <- view configL
destDir <- installDir (configLocalPrograms config) (ToolGhcjs cv)
let stackYaml = destDir </> relDirSrc </> stackDotYaml
-- TODO: Remove 'actualStackYaml' and just use
-- 'stackYaml' for a version after 0.1.6. It's for
-- compatibility with the directories setup used for
-- most of the life of the development branch between
-- 0.1.5 and 0.1.6. See
-- This only affects the case where GHCJS has been
-- installed with an older version and not yet booted.
stackYamlExists <- doesFileExist stackYaml
ghcjsVersion <- case cv of
ACGhcjs version _ -> return version
_ -> error "ensureGhcjsBooted invoked on non GhcjsVersion"
actualStackYaml <- if stackYamlExists then return stackYaml
liftM ((destDir </> relDirSrc) </>) $
parseRelFile $ "ghcjs-" ++ versionString ghcjsVersion ++ "/stack.yaml"
actualStackYamlExists <- doesFileExist actualStackYaml
unless actualStackYamlExists $
throwString "Error: Couldn't find GHCJS stack.yaml in old or new location."
bootGhcjs ghcjsVersion actualStackYaml destDir bootOpts
Left ece -> throwIO ece

bootGhcjs :: (HasRunner env, HasProcessContext env)
=> Version -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs Dir -> [String] -> RIO env ()
bootGhcjs ghcjsVersion stackYaml destDir bootOpts =
loadGhcjsEnvConfig stackYaml (destDir </> relDirBin) $ \envConfig -> do
menv <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings (view configL envConfig) defaultEnvSettings
-- Install cabal-install if missing, or if the installed one is old.
mcabal <- withProcessContext menv getCabalInstallVersion
shouldInstallCabal <- case mcabal of
Nothing -> do
logInfo "No cabal-install binary found for use with GHCJS."
return True
Just v
| v < mkVersion [1, 22, 4] -> do
logInfo $
"The cabal-install found on PATH is too old to be used for booting GHCJS (version " <>
fromString (versionString v) <>
return True
| v >= mkVersion [1, 23] -> do
logWarn $
"The cabal-install found on PATH is a version stack doesn't know about, version " <>
fromString (versionString v) <>
". This may or may not work.\n" <>
"See this issue:"
return False
| ghcjsVersion >= mkVersion [0, 2, 0, 20160413] && v >= mkVersion [1, 22, 8] -> do
logWarn $
"The cabal-install found on PATH, version " <>
fromString (versionString v) <>
", is >= 1.22.8.\n" <>
"That version has a bug preventing ghcjs < from booting.\n" <>
"See this issue:"
return True
| otherwise -> return False
let envSettings = EnvSettings
{ esIncludeLocals = True
, esIncludeGhcPackagePath = False
, esStackExe = True
, esLocaleUtf8 = True
, esKeepGhcRts = False
menv' <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings (view configL envConfig) envSettings
shouldInstallAlex <- runRIO menv $ not <$> doesExecutableExist "alex"
shouldInstallHappy <- runRIO menv $ not <$> doesExecutableExist "happy"
let bootDepsToInstall =
[ "cabal-install" | shouldInstallCabal ] ++
[ "alex" | shouldInstallAlex ] ++
[ "happy" | shouldInstallHappy ]
when (not (null bootDepsToInstall)) $ do
logInfo $ "Building tools from source, needed for ghcjs-boot: " <> displayShow bootDepsToInstall
let haddockDeps = False
envConfig' <- rebuildEnv envConfig NeedTargets haddockDeps $
defaultBuildOptsCLI { boptsCLITargets = bootDepsToInstall }
buildInGhcjsEnv envConfig'
let failedToFindErr = do
logError "This shouldn't happen, because it gets built to the snapshot bin directory, which should be treated as being on the PATH."
liftIO exitFailure
when shouldInstallCabal $ do
mcabal' <- withProcessContext menv' getCabalInstallVersion
case mcabal' of
Nothing -> do
logError "Failed to get cabal-install version after installing it."
Just v | v >= mkVersion [1, 22, 8] && v < mkVersion [1, 23] ->
logWarn $
"Installed version of cabal-install is in a version range which may not work.\n" <>
"See this issue:\n" <>
"This version is specified by the stack.yaml file included in the ghcjs tarball.\n"
_ -> return ()
when shouldInstallAlex $ do
alexInstalled <- runRIO menv $ doesExecutableExist "alex"
when (not alexInstalled) $ do
logError "Failed to find 'alex' executable after installing it."
when shouldInstallHappy $ do
happyInstalled <- runRIO menv $ doesExecutableExist "happy"
when (not happyInstalled) $ do
logError "Failed to find 'happy' executable after installing it."
logSticky "Booting GHCJS (this will take a long time) ..."
withProcessContext menv' $ proc "ghcjs-boot" bootOpts logProcessStderrStdout
logStickyDone "GHCJS booted."

:: HasRunner env
=> Path Abs File
-> Path b t
-> (EnvConfig -> RIO env a)
-> RIO env a
loadGhcjsEnvConfig stackYaml binPath inner =
local (over globalOptsL modifyGO) $
loadConfig $ \config -> do
bconfig <- runRIO config loadBuildConfig
envConfig <- runRIO bconfig $ setupEnv AllowNoTargets defaultBuildOptsCLI Nothing
inner envConfig
modifyGO go = go
{ globalConfigMonoid = mempty
{ configMonoidInstallGHC = FirstTrue (Just True)
, configMonoidLocalBinPath = First (Just (toFilePath binPath))
, globalResolver = Nothing
, globalStackYaml = SYLOverride stackYaml

buildInGhcjsEnv :: (HasEnvConfig env, MonadIO m) => env -> m ()
buildInGhcjsEnv envConfig = do
runRIO (set (buildOptsL.buildOptsInstallExesL) True $
set (buildOptsL.buildOptsHaddockL) False envConfig) $
build Nothing

getCabalInstallVersion :: (HasProcessContext env, HasLogFunc env) => RIO env (Maybe Version)
getCabalInstallVersion = do
ebs <- tryAny $ proc "cabal" ["--numeric-version"] readProcess_
case ebs of
Left _ ->
return Nothing
Right (bs, _) ->
Just <$> parseVersionThrowing (T.unpack $ T.dropWhileEnd isSpace (T.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict bs)))

-- | Check if given processes appear to be present, throwing an exception if
-- missing.
checkDependencies :: CheckDependency env a -> RIO env a
Expand Down

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