MELPA came along and destroyed the versioning scheme. Still kind of mad about that.
— Someone with the handle "/u/tromey" claiming to be the author of
Left-frame melpa versions bear no relation to gnu's. Right-frame shmelpa versions dovetail.
The package-install
command will generally not update a bumped package dependency because MELPA's datetime versioning is incompatible with the semantic version numbers in Package-Requires
clauses (the Schism).
The particulars of the Schism are expatiated in uninteresting detail in Issue 2944.
Comment out the add-to-list
of melpa, and add to .emacs
;;; (add-to-list 'package-archives
;;; '("melpa" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("shmelpa" . ""))
If you don't comment out the melpa line, MELPA's numerically greater versions will mask shmelpa's lowly semantic versions.
It's currently tagged in your package-user-dir
with MELPA's ginormous major version (a number greater than 20 million!). Thus M-x package-list-packages
won't show shmelpa's single-digit major version, deeming it woefully obsolete. RET
into the package's installed line item, and you should see shmelpa in "Other versions".
"shmelpa" is not an acronym but rather shm-reduplication of its predecessor.