Guided Collimation For Ritchey-Chretien Telescopes
This is a GTK4 application, using gtkmm, and CMake as a build system. The following packages are required:
- CMake >= 3.18
- g++ >=10.1.0
- gtkmm >= 4.0
- gtest >= 1.12
- libxml2-utils >= 2.9
Note: on WSL, the following is needed:
export $(dbus-launch)
Otherwise, there will be a Gtk Warning:
Unable to acquire session bus: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=2186e8f014214f2daf4116d80067e609 --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1
From the source directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Optionally, run the tests after building (from the build directory):
Note: when a conda environment is activated, CMake will select the version of gtest from conda. This will fail because of typeinfo configuration. It is essential to deactivate the conda environment before executing CMake so that the correct version of gtest is selected.
Simply copy the resuting executable gcfrct
in the destination directory.
The executable bundles all resources required to run the application.